24. Is a Start Possible?

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James rubbed his palms and hugged his knees as cold breeze slammed on his face suddenly. Jessica also did the same and started with a chuckle," This is the place where my dad had explained me about my powers and how could I control them. "

He hummed in reply," What's your power exactly? I mean, for example? "

" There is a specific sword, just like his hammer. I can summon it whenever I need it most. I can charge lightning through it. " She laughed when she saw his amazed face. " I had a dream to visit Ausguard, but it's destroyed already. "

He nodded," Yeah, I heard about it. "

Then she turned towards him," Hey, tell me about you and your family, other's family. I wanna hear the full story."

He laughed a little," Well, I'm born in 2016. But I was blipped, vanished from earth with half of the population. My mom sacrificed herself to bring everyone back. But my dad found her at some other universe, in another timeline. Now she's with us. "

She was visibly surprised," I heard about her, giving her life for the world. But I didn't know about she being from another world. "

He smiled again," She's not different at all. Besides, Dr Strange helped her to feel and memorize the events of those years, which she had skipped in her own timeline. So, technically, phycally, hypothetically, she's my mom. And Sarah is my sister. Four years younger than me. "

He paused for a moment then started again," After my dad brought my mom back, uncle Buck and aunt Wanda got married, after few months, uncle Sam and aunt Maria got married as well. Joseph and Merry came to the picture with Stefan, the only child of the Wilsons. Nate, he's same age as mine, he has two elder siblings Lila and Cooper. They're studying in Europe. And, there was someone else too. Uncle Scott and aunt Hope, they have a daughter, Kassie. They moved out of New York. "

She raised her eyebrows teasingly," You're skipping the Starks. "

He cleared his throat to begin," Well, after the five years of vanishing, Morgan and I have known each other and spent time together since nearly fourteen years. Her brother, Bryan, he's four years younger than her. "

She became silent for some moments. " You know, I've always dreamt of having a sibling. But because of my mom's health issues, it wasn't possible. Then when I came to know about you all, that emptyness has gone, kind of. So, I really hoped that, you could be my genuine friend, even like a brother. "

James smiled happily," And I won't object to have another sister. " And he pulled her for a side hug. " We're a family Jess. You've a big family. "

She leaned into his brotherly warmth with a smile," Yeah, thanks. Now let's go. It's getting so late. " And they decided to go home.

Meanwhile, Morgan reached home early so Pepper got confused. She didn't respond to her mother," FRIDAY, where is Bryan?!"

Pepper frowned on her unusual behaviour. " Honey, he's sleeping. What's the matter?"

She still didn't respond and rushed towards Bryan's room. Opened the door with a bang," Bryan?! Get up, you idiot!!" And she pulled away his covers.

He woke up still half asleep," Why are you shouting?"

She slipped off the heels and held out for him to see," Who did give these to you?!"

Bryan shighed as he realised she knew about it," So you figured. Yeah yeah, Rogers gave me those. "

Morgan got more angry," Why didn't you tell me before?!"

Tony was also there when she heard her yelling. Bryan looked at his parents then he calmed down," Because he told me not to. Said, he would have given that to you as your date. Since you're going with someone else so he sent it through me as just a present. " He shighed and covered himself again," And I really hate these love triangle dramas. Now let me sleep. "

She turned around to leave but paused as she saw her parents. She walked past them to her room and Pepper and Tony quickly followed her. They sat beside her on the bed. Tony pulled her into a hug," Okay, breath and calm down. Tell me what's going on. "

A few moments later she started," Three years ago I had told him to get me a pair of red heels on our prom date. He remembered it unlike me. I've been hurting him many times from last few months. I kept him waiting all night on my birthday. He got sick. When he got bad rank, students kinda bullied him, saying he'd been getting good marks because he was copying my answer. And I kept quiet. I didn't stand up for him. While he got suspended from class for a week because he protected me. "

She started to sob on her father's chest and Tony rubbed her back. " I had promised him that he'd be my first date. But I turned him down myself. I'm a very bad friend, dad. I'm a horrible friend. "

Tony chuckled with a shigh," Kids these days. You're not a mature woman sweety. You're just a kid, so behave like one. Remember one thing, communication is the key to solve any kinda problem. You got upset and he also felt bad for some reasons. You guys thought it'd be better if you avoid it. But it got worse as you didn't talk this out. "

Pepper wiped her face," Now change your clothes and go to sleep. You can talk to him tomorrow morning, okay?"

She mumbled quietly," Can't I talk to him now?"

Tony shook his head with a laugh," It's nearly midnight baby. You can meet him tomorrow. " She nodded and did as her parents said. She went to sleep thinking, everything would be normal tomorrow. She'd work this out, no matter what.

Next morning, Steve was in the kitchen when he heard the doorbell. " Babe?! Can you check the door?" He called out for Natasha.

She opened the door but got confused to find Tony and Morgan there. " Tony? Hey good morning Morning. How are you here? I mean, this early?"

He shighed," Can you step aside?" And he pushed her out of the way and entered inside. " Hey Capsicle!! Breakfast ready?"

Steve rolled his eyes and looked back to the stove," I don't think you're invited, Mr Stank!!"

Tony walked around the counter," Hey, stop calling me that. "

" Why don't you stop?"

Natasha got annoyed and interrupted the two old grown man. " You both stop!!" Then she looked at Morgan," Is everything alright? Why are you here?"

Tony shighed shaking his head," To make a truce. Their friendship is falling apart. I know, I told you both that they'll handle on their own. But I think, we've to help them. I thought, it's better if they gets mature and solve their problems. But forgot they're just kids, who are just starting their life. We've to be their guide, as well as their friend. "

Natasha nodded at Morgan," He just returned from morning walk with Steve. Go to his room upstairs. " She nodded and went towards his room. Hoped she could explain herself and start their friendship again. A fresh start, which could bring their old childhood back.

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