27. Sunset is the Sign of Sunrise

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Steve and Natasha laying on the floor with James and Sarah between them. Though they were a little grown ups now, they would always be the small toddlers for their parents. Natasha ran her fingers through James' red hairs, it makes her feel proud of herself. Seeing your kids resembling you is the most overwhelming feeling.

When she decided to travel in time to come here in future, she never thought her life would be that simple yet beautiful. She had feared if James would accept her as his mother or not. But that doubt ran out of power as soon as he hugged her and called 'mom' . That four year old boy had turned into an adorable eighteen year young man. She had no regret. She was ready to rest.

Same thought was running through Steve's mind as he was just simply looking at Sarah's face closely. He remembered how terrified he was when he heard Natasha was pregnant in another timeline. He had started blaming himself thinking maybe he had destroyed an innocent fragile life inside Natasha. Now looking at her blonde hair and the facial features looking exactly like her mother, he couldn't help but smiled in contentment.

They talked to them. After so much struggling, they gathered the courage to speak the hurtful truth. James and Sarah just cried like newborn babies, holding their parents to thier heart. They just can't believe, that their mom and dad would not be here with them in couple of days. Their umbrella in rain, shadow in summer and the warmth in withers. Their support system, their whole world. They just had no idea how to live without them.

Opening their eyes from morning till closing their eyes at night, they would not get to see them anymore. Maybe it's comforting for Natasha and Steve, but it's a pure tourcher for Sarah and James. Knowing your parents would die very soon was not bearable at all.

Next morning Steve was setting the table for breakfast when Sarah hugged him from behind. " Good morning dad. "

" Good morning sweety. "  Steve pulled a chair for her made her sit. Then James and Natasha joined them. They didn't touch the plate so Steve shighed before starting," James, Sarah? You both will have to live. I know it's not easy. Your mom was just six when she lost her family. She had no one. That's why she had suffered so much. And me? Well, I also lost my dad, when I was five and lost my mom around twelve. "

He forced an encouraging smile at them," So be happy that you guys have us till now. I know, losing your parents at any age doesn't matter. It hurts the same. But you know what? That's what life is all about. It's not predictable. It's not a script. It's a natural journey. And it comes to an end sooner or later. "

Natasha held Sarah's hand with a smile," Yeah. Besides, you guys are not alone. You have a large family who would cheer on your success, smile on your happiness and cry on your sorrow. That's what family is for. " After that, they had their breakfast.

That evening, Natasha couldn't move from her bed. Steve insisted that they should go to hospital, but she denied. He knew the reason, but couldn't help but hoped maybe...maybe, she would get some more time. Steve called Dr Helen to his house. She said her organs are perfectly fine, but still her pulse was decresing rapidly.

It was six in the morning, the sun was trying to kill the darkness, but the cold fog was the obstacle. Natasha's breathing was slowing down. Steve was sitting beside her, holding her hand loosely. It's still comforting. The touch of her palm always calmed his nerves. James and Sarah were sitting across beside her as well. A single tear was spilling constantly from their eyes.

Natasha's hold over Steve's palm tightened. " Steve?", He hummed in reply. " I'm.... feeling tired. I wanna.... go to sleep. Finish... the rest of the work.... for me." 

A hurtful sob came from his gut. He nodded with a fake smile, which he knew she had figured out. " Don't worry Nat. You go to bed first, I'll join you in a bit."

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