Chapter 10 - Mystery

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Never in my life before it had been so satisfying to think. I had always considered myself rather smart but I was used to be surrounded by people who did not share my ability for fastest solutions and complicated processes. Gellert in this case was different. Sometimes his conclusion was even better than mine and I had never known how joyful it could be to discuss with someone who was able to follow your line of thoughts without asking for any explanation. I felt like alongside him I could escape into a thinktank. To continue with our studies concerning the Deathly Hallows we had been forced to delay the work on Patronus charms. Still, we did not miss to duel from time to time. None of these fights was serious as they were simply meant to free the mind and practice reaction and curse work.

I tried to hide my pride when I extended a hand to my friend. He was lying at my feet because the force of my Protego-charm had knocked him off his feet. Somehow, he still managed to smile mockingly even though it was him lying in the dirt. "For a charm which is meant to protect this was very violently my friend.", he said and grabbed my hand. A warm feeling rushed through my arm and into my body as I helped him up. He patted my shoulder as I was a little smaller than him. "Still very well done." I took as step back as my heart had the unnerving trait to start running way to fast whenever the blonde boy touched me or even was close. I bowed. "Oh I am grateful master that my performance was impressive to you.", I said, my voice drenched in sarcasm. He laughed his deep and sonorous laughter but at the same time pulled his wand again and my counter curse came just in time. The two curses clashed in midair and we were caught in a duel once again. "Petrificus-Totalus", he shouted aiming at my legs. I jumped to the side and immediately answered with "Rictusempra." Now it was his turn to duck away and t occurred that this resembled a dance around one another.

Sweaty but happy and with blushed cheeks we finally made our way back to the village to get some water. To practice spells we tended to use the clearing. I considered it far away enough from Ariana and we did not risk to fail a spell and destroy a window. Next to each other we walked along the path. Gellerts shoulder brushed mine and we did not say a word. Suddenly he jumped to the side and gave me a shoulder-kick which made me stumble but I caught myself and kicked him as well. he looked at me with wide eyes, smiled and kicked me again, this time so hard that I almost flew to the side. But then there were hands around my middle, preventing me from falling to the ground. He laughed into my hair as he had cached me from behind. "Sorry. I did not mean to make it that hard. Heat flooded my cheeks. "Thanks for catching me.", I answered a little breathless and a little too quick. When Gellert did let me go, I felt the mild summer air colder than usually where he had held me. We finished the rest of the way in silence.

Without my notice he we reached the front door of my house. "Uhm", Gellert began. "Could I come in for a cup of tea? I just had an idea and we are not finished with the research for today anyways. I froze. If he would come in, he would see Ariana. I had barely spoken about anything concerning my family. When all of this had begun and we had visited the grave of Ingnotus Peverell I had not told him about my mothers grave and whenever Bathilda asked me about the well-being of my siblings I had told her something unsuspicious. Whenever Gellert had afterwards looked at me in question I had told him about Arianas fake-illness and that Aberforth was busy with school work and the two got along better without me. Still, he would see that Ariana was not ill the way normal people were ill and he would ask what the real matter was and I would have to explain something that I was not sure of myself. And above all I could not just discuss magical topics inside there when my sister seemed to react allergically on this. The last time when she had read that letter had been outstanding and I was not keen on provoking my fate in this which I did not consider very well. No there was no way of him walking over this doorstep.

"Sorry.", I said and finally answered his question. "I think it's really bad at my place because once I am home there is a lot to do. Ariana wants me to play something with her or read and Aberforth might need help with homework and if he doesn't well, he has been looking for my sister all morning long. I guess it's my turn now." I smiled a hopefully convincing smile that everything was normal. But I already knew that this illness-lie would not last forever. "Albus... can I be open as well?", Gellert asked and I sensed nothing good. "You are not the only one paying attention.", he continued. For the tiniest bit of a second I felt flattered and complimented but he went on so I had no time to analyze that reaction, left alone to see if he was really complimenting me here.  "Your sister has an illness, right? That is no big deal still you refuse to let me inside while Bathilda is allowed. Forgive me my curiosity but something about that did not seem to fit." I held my breath. He was smart which I knew but I never considered my keeping him outside that obvious. I should have been more careful. "I did some research." A chill went through my body. The funeral of my mother had been all private still I was not sure if any local newspaper might have still mentioned it and moreover it was known that my father had been sent to Azkaban and never returned. "It is a little odd that you who seem to be such a good and promising student comes back to his village to look after the sister while you could work in the ministry for magic without problems and apperate every day but you choose not to leave home too long. Also, when your father was sent to prison the newspapers spoke of three kids which means your sister must be old enough to go to school by now. Why doesn't she? Bathilda is very open and heartly to me but she refuses to tell me anything about your family and so do you. I have barely ever seen you brother and the people from the village have barely ever seen your sister but your family has been here for quite some time. Albus, I don't really believe that your sister has some ordinary illness." He had spoken very controlled and without any haste. It was obvious that no denial of mine would be able to convince him otherwise. He had paid attention. Probably a bit too much, flattering or not. Still the truth was not an option. He would see me as the guy bound to a village by his younger harmed sister. Our plans, my plans of searching the hallows with him would look like a childish dream so I said the only thing blocking all further questioning. "It is not a normal illness but this does not mean that you need to know. I had my reasons of not telling you and I ask you to respect this." this sounded harsher than planned. "Sorry.", I added almost inaudible and looked at my shoes to prevent meeting his eyes which would for sure conquer my decision of not telling him. I turned to the door to end this conversation finally when the door opened itself. "Hello Gellert. Do you want to come inside?", asked my sister Ariana. Something like fate must exist

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