Part 24: Episode 2a and 2b Synopsis and Plot.

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Episode 2a: Awesome Album



To take Metal Sonic's mind off of Furnace, Vega, Jenny, Melody, and Misty convince him to help them with Roboticize's album. Can they finish writing the album before the deadline?


Metal Sonic has been cooped up in his room for 2 days after Furnace got petrified by the wax. Jenny and Vega both go to Melody and Misty, and they all begin to talk about Metal. After a minute, Melody brings up Roboticize's album, and the rest of the group, as well as Melody, all get an idea. The group all go to Metal Sonic's room and ask him if he can help them with writing the rest of the Album and, after a bit of convincing, Metal Sonic agrees. The group all work hard on writing original songs, such as "Defenders of Earth" which is about the heroes of Jenny's Universe, Team Robot; "Standing up (to you)" a song written, mostly, by Melody and Vega, about standing up to those who push you down and neglect you; "Savior (of me)" A song about how one kind act can save someone from being a villain, etc. and more. After a timelapse and montage, the group only has one more song to write and record, but the deadline is revealed to be in two days! After brainstorming for half of one of the two days, the group comes up with a brilliant Idea for a song.

Song: Teenage Robot Life (Our Lives Theme Variant)

[Verse 1]
5 o'clock get a call
To go blading at the skatepark down by the mall
But my mom says I got to prevent hostile aliens from annihilating us all
With the strength of a million and 70 men I guess I shouldn't really complain
Still, I wish I could go for a walk without rusting in the rainIt's enough to fry my brain

So welcome to my life as a teenage robot
The story of my life as a teenage robot
My teenage robot life

[Verse 2]
Wake up every day
In a world that I find to be incredibly insane
Falling under the pressure that I will never be able to change
But even if I falter at times, I always have my friends here to stay
Still, I wish I could have a break from all this fighting and all this pain
It's enough to drive me completely insane

[Chorus: Metal Sonic]
But that is just my life as a teenage robot
The story of my life as a teenage robot|
My teenage robot life (I'm a teenage robot)
The teenage robot life

[Sick Guitar and Base Solo]

[Verse 3: Metal and Jenny]
It's not easy being different
It's like our days just keep hitting brick walls
I feel like we're the only ones who ever know any pain at all
Still, I know that we can make it throughwith our friendship to keep us strong
Even if the journey's quite long, none of us will regret a thing
We'll keep moving in full swing

[Chorus (Outro): Metal and Jenny]
Because that is our lives as two teenage robots
The story of our lives as teenage robots
Our teenage robot lives (We're teenage robots)
Our teenage robot lives

Plot pt. 2 (Electric Boogaloo):

After the song is complete, Roboticize's first, and possibly only album, is complete and sent out to the world. The episode ends with Metal Sonic hugging Jenny as he finally feels better about Furnace, the rest of Team Robot all getting in on the hug along with Shell and MJ-9.


1. Metal Sonic wallowing in his room is oddly similar to Peridot wallowing in the Bathroom after Lapis leaves in Steven Universe.
2. The Wedding that Jenny and Vega are going to have will be in 1 1/4 months by the end of the episode.
3. Misty also gets a song of her own, which is a cover of "Like a Comet" from steven Universe, due to the fact that she's from space.
4. Metal Sonic's singing voice sounds oddly like the Lead Singer of Crush 40, Johnny Gioeli's, singing voice when he's singing live and learn.
5. The album's art looks a lot like the Crush 40 Sonic Track's art.
6. This is the first appearance of Shell and MJ-9 since "The Rivalry's End."


Episode 2B: Wild Ride



When Vladimir the Rat makes all of Tremorton City Zoo's animals all escape the Zoo, it's up to Team Robot to get them all back into their home at the zoo.


The Zookeeper of Tremorton City's zoo winds up forgetting to put the keys on a hanger after he cleans the animals' cages, leading Vladimir the Rat to steal the Key and let the animals all out. Unfortunately, unlike what Vladimir planned, the Animals all start doing what animals, that aren't given high intelligence in the same sense that Vladimir has, to start wreaking havoc, causing Team Robot to show up. This leads to Hijinks, including Metal Sonic getting nearly flattened by a stampeding group of Rhino's, and getting flattened like a pancake in the process; Jenny getting hacked by a group of Monkeys, and doing the monkey, before she's saved; Vega getting kicked, very hard, into a wall by a kangaroo; Melody getting clawed up by the polar bears; and Misty getting tickle tortured by the bunnies. After all the hijinks, Team Robot is left pretty winded as most of the Animals continue to wreak havoc across the zoo's town. Metal then decides the best course of action is to beat the animals at their own game. Metal Sonic manages to lead the Stampeding Rhino's into their cage; Jenny hypnotizing the monkeys into going back to their cages, with surprising ease; Vega beating a group of Kangaroos in a Kick-Boxing match, by herself, before leading them all, and the rest, back to their cage; Melody taking care of the Mama Polar Bear's cub, allowing it, the father, the other two polar bears, and the cub, to all go back to their cage; and Misty tickling the rabbits with a feather before chasing them all back to their cage. After that, the episode ends with Metal Sonic finding a threat written by Vladimir, only to hand it to Jenny as they all head home.


1. This episode is a reference to Cartoons, such as Looney Toons, Animaniacs, Classic Disney, and Felix the Cat, with its slapstick comedy and wacky Hijinx.
2. Both Rhino Stampedes has 1 child Rhino that falls behind the group, referencing Jumanji's Small Rhino, which falls behind the massive Stampede of Animals in the Movie.
3. The Bunny that Tickles Misty is grey and holds a carrot, referencing the Iconic Loony Toons Character, Buggs Bunny.
4. The Bunny that Misty tickles is a blonde bunny with hair, referencing Lola Bunny from Loony Toons.
5. Metal Sonic saving Misty from the Rabbits might be foreshadowing to their future relationship.
6. Jenny's hypnotic item of choice is a Hypno's Pendant, from Pokémon.
7. Vega actually gets the monkeys away from the computer with Metal, as they both care deeply for Jenny.

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