Part 28: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 3/5

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Metal Sonic zooms into the Mail Car, followed quickly by Melody, then Tails and Barry room. The group see's Silver and Amy trying to pull Vega out of fallen Mail and packages.
Silver: IT'S NO USE!!!
Amy: Just keep pulling!
Vega (Muffled): Any day now guys!!!
Metal breathes a sigh of relief as he walks up.
Metal Sonic: Need a hand...?
Silver: GAH!!!
Silver jumps back as he see's Metal, Amy sighing as a result of Metal walking up.
Silver: Oh, it's just you, Metal~!
Metal Sonic smirks a bit before looks at Vega's legs, which are sticking out of the pile, then grabs each one, and pulls slowly, causing Vega to slowly get out of the Packages and letters. Vega shakes her head and pulls out some lipstick as she looks into a mirror, redoing the make up quickly.
Vega: Thanks-
Metal Sonic quickly hugs Vega as she flinches.
Vega: M- Metal?!
Vega hugs Metal Sonic back calmly as he tries not to tear up.
Metal Sonic: Thank Mobius you're ok, Vega.
Vega smiles as she hugs Metal Sonic.
Vega: Right back at you, Metal...
Melody quickly joins in on the hug as Amy, Barry, Tails and Silver smile, watching it.
Silver: That's so sweet~!
Barry: Yeah~!
Tails: It's so cute~!
Amy: Awww~!
Vega gets up and brushes herself off, Metal helping as Melody walks up to Amy.
Melody: So, what happened exactly?
Amy looks at Silver as he sweats a bit, Vega walking up.
Silver: Uh-... O- Ok then???


Silver begins to speak.
Silver: Vega and I were just sitting here in the Mail Car for a bit after we arrived, as Shadow went on ahead of us with Jenny and Misty following close behind.
Vega chimes in.
Vega: I gave Jenny a little peck on the Cheek as she walked past, and she turned into a blueberry~!
Metal Sonic and Melody chuckle.
Metal Sonic: Classic Jenny...
Melody: Heh, yeah~!
Silver resumes.
Silver: After a few minutes, Vega got up and went to the Casino Car to mingle...
Silver blushes a bit.
Silver: A few m- minutes went by, a- and then Blaze showed up.
Silver smiles as he blushes, nervously sweating a bit.
Silver: Blaze and I talked for a little bit; s- s- since we're friends; a- and then she went back to the Casino Car.
Vega continues.
Vega: I remember seeing Blaze return... We talked for a few minutes, and then Blaze started trying a slot Machine.
Vega shrugs.
Vega: I saw no sign of Rouge at all.
Metal Sonic looks at Vega.
Metal Sonic: Blaze was trying the Slot Machines?
Vega sighs.
Vega: Yeah, and she has incredible luck, too.
Vega shrugs.
Vega: Every single slot pull she did, she got a jackpot!
Barry sighs as Tails pats his back. Silver then clears his throat.
Silver: I remember Shadow entering with a few locks in a bag with locks inside as he passed through, locking the doors behind him.
Silver thinks for a second.
Silver: After a while, Vega came back, followed shortly by Shadow... Shadow passed through the car again, and he removed the lock on the door to the Lounge Car.
Metal's eyes widen, as do Amy, Tails, Melody, and Barry's.
Metal Sonic: Hold it, Shadow removed the lock to the Lounge Car entirely?
Silver and Vega both look at Metal.
Silver: Yeah, why do you ask?
Amy: That doesn't make any sense!

Amy looks at Silver and Vega.
Amy: Shadow has been locking the door to every other car except for the Dining Car, why not lock the door to the Lounge Car?!
Vega chimes in.
Vega: Oh, I told him not to.
The group all look at Vega.
Metal Sonic: You told Shadow, the Ultimate Lifeform, not to lock a door, and he listened???
Vega smirks.
Vega: Not at first, but then I explained that Jenny was going to be doing a performance later on, around... 15-45 minutes from now...
Vega smiles.
Vega: I told him about Jenny and I, and he reluctantly obliged to not lock the door.
Amy looks at Vega.
Amy: Wait a minute. What do you mean you told Shadow about you and Jenny?
Vega Blushes as Metal looks at her.
Metal Sonic: Want me to tell them?
Vega nods as Silver looks at Metal, along with Barry, Tails, and Amy as Melody does as well, though with a knowing look instead.
Silver: Tell us what?
Vega blushes and smiles. as Metal Sonic answers.
Metal Sonic: Jenny is Vega's Fiancé...
Everyone's eyes widen as Amy looks at Vega.
Amy: Oh my god, really???!!!
Vega nods.
Vega: W- Was hoping to reveal it to everyone at some point next week, but-
Amy smiles as she hugs Vega tightly, who's eyes widen.
Amy: I'm so happy for you both~!!!
Vega blushes and smiles.
Vega: Thank you, Amy~!

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