Part 27: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2/5

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Tails opens the door to the Library Car, and the group looks in awe at its impressive size, and height, and design.
Metal Sonic: Wowza...
Melody rushes over to a book, excitement in her eyes, as Metal Sonic, Tails, and Barry all walk past the shelf, Melody quickly catching up, as they see Amy, Vector, and Espio.
Amy: Everyone's Favorite, Famous Journalist Reporter, Amy Rose, is hot on the scoop of this Murder Mystery~!
Amy turns to leave as she puts her quill, and note-pad, into her hammer space.
Amy: I'm moving along to the Next Car; You two have been Fabulously helpful~!
Vector seems confused.
Vector: Already?
Amy stops and turns back to look at Vector.
Vector: Before you go, Espio and I wanted to give you your presents~!
Amy gasps.
Amy: My presents?!
Espio nods as him and Vector hand Amy the presents they got her.
Espio: Indeed, we did.
Amy takes the presents Vector and Espio got for her, and then gives them both a big hug.
Amy: You both are so sweet; thank you~!
Espio and Vector both hug Amy Back for a second or two, then Espio senses Metal, Melody, Barry, and Tails' presence.
Espio: Vector, it seems we have more guests, whose thirsts for the truth we both must quench.
Amy giggles.
Amy: You don't need to rhyme so much Espio~!
Espio smiles in an admittedly cheekily.
Espio: Oh, I'm well aware, Amy~!

Tails rushes up to Amy, Metal Sonic, Barry, and Melody following close behind.
Tails: Amy, there you are!
Metal Sonic: We were trying to catch up.
Amy smiles.
Amy: Sorry, I've just been so excited about all of this~!
Barry smiles nervously.
Barry: Wanna join us in finding clues?
Amy smiles happily.
Amy: I'm flattered, but I'll have to pass~!
Amy giggles.
Amy: I mean, at the pace you three-
Melody: F- Four... actually.
Amy blushes a bit.
Amy: Ah, sorry~!
Amy clears her throat.
Amy: At the pace you four are going, no offence, Sonic's Murderer will never be found...
Amy rubs the back of her head.
Amy: No offence.
Metal Sonic, Melody, Tails, and Barry: None taken~!
Barry (In his mind): Amy seems so confident...
Metal Sonic (In his mind): Amy must have something up her sleeve.
Amy begins to walk away.
Amy: This tip is just to juicy and sweet to ignore~! I'll see you four around~!
Amy winks at the group, but she's stopped again, this time by Metal.
Metal Sonic: Amy, you're forgetting something.
Amy turns back to look at Metal.
Amy: And what's that?
Metal Sonic pulls Melody, Tails, and Melody's presents out of his hammer space, and then hands them to Amy.
Metal Sonic: Our presents?
Amy takes the presents with a smile, then quickly hugs Metal, Tails, Barry, and Melody.
Amy: Oh, thank you all so much~!
Metal, Tails, Barry, and Melody all giggle.
Melody: Oh, any old time~!
Tails: Really~!
Amy lets go of Metal Sonic, Barry, Tails, and Melody and starts to walk away.
Amy: Don't worry Sonic, I'll be the one to avenge you; quickly~!
Vector calls after Amy.
Vector: Amy, the door is locked; how are you gonna leave?
Amy pulls out the Birthday Key as Metal looks at Vector.
Metal Sonic: You dare doubt the birthday girl? She has a special Birthday Key.
Barry adds onto Metal's statement.
Barry: Yeah, it's a tradition for any birthday person to receive that key if their birthday party is on the Mirage Express~!
Amy giggles as she unlocks the door.
Amy: Yup~! The Birthday Girl has a Master Key~!
Metal Sonic calls after Amy as she leaves.
Metal Sonic: Make sure to leave the door unlocked, Amy~!
Amy calls back.
Amy: I will~!
Amy spins around.
Amy: I'll solve this case before anyone else~! Buh-Bye~!

Amy just lets the door close as she walks away, and the lock falls off, and Vector Sighs.
Vector: How did I forget about the Birthday Privilege?
Metal Sonic, Melody, Barry, Vector, and Tails all shrug.
Metal Sonic: No clue, but Amy sure is hasty...
Espio sighs.
Espio: Amy may be hasty, but she is thorough.
Vector crosses his arms.
Vector: Now, what are you four doin'? I'd say you look mighty suspicious right now...
Metal Sonic and Tails Sigh.
Metal Sonic: I'm the Attorney, and Tails is the Detective.
Tails nods.
Tails: Exactly, we can't be the murderers.
Vector looks a bit nervous.
Vector: Oh...
Vector looks at Melody.
Vector: Well, What about Melody?
Melody looks nervous.
Melody: I- I ran through here, s- scared and w- w- w- worried about M- M- Metal...
Vector looks at Melody and gives her a hug.
Melody: Thank you, Vector...
Vector smiles.
Vector: No problem~!
Vector lets go of Melody as Barry speaks.
Barry: A- As for me... I- I'm just here to make sure everything goes well, and to t- take orders for later.
Vector smiles.
Vector: Oh, I'll have one of everything then~!
Barry pulls out his Notepad and Pen, then writes down Vectors order as he quickly hands him a menu.
Barry: I'll have the chefs cook all of that up for you when the murder mystery is over~!
Vector smiles happily and gives a thumbs up, then. gets nervous.
Vector: Look, I'm not sure if you've fully noticed, but things aren't going great...
Espio nods.
Espio: Indeed, there has been a Murder most fowl...
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: We haven't forgotten... Barry, Tails, Amy and I all saw the body...
Metal Sonic sighs as Melody chimes in.
Melody: What are your roles again?
Vector smiles.
Vector: I'm the Butcher, and I'm licensed to Handle raw meat according to my Lore Card.
Espio smiles.
Espio: And I am the poet, I hope you four don't forget it.

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