Chapter 1

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-Naruto Uzamaki POV-

I was walking down the dark street with only dim lights to light the way. I know someone is watching me. They've been watching since I left school. I start to walk faster hoping to lose them. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder. I whipped my head around, ready to run or fight if needed.

"WHOA THERE, it's just me!"

"Sasuke? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be waiting for me at the Ichiraku Ramen." I said as I tried to calm myself down.

"I was, but you walked right past me." Sasuke looked irritated and upset.

"I did? I'm sorry, I was just.....thinking."

"What's going on with you? This is the third time this week where you ignore me or anyone!" I could see that his facial expression changed dramatically. He was worried for me.

"It's just that- I noticed something weird...."

I kept it simple to not alert the person watching me.

"Let's talk about it at my place, Kay?" I grabbed his hand and started to walk in the direction of my house.

"Hey! Let go of my hand. I can walk by myself." I could hear the embarrassment in his voice. I wanted to see his face, but I didn't dare look back.

"Lets walk and talk like this. Just keep facing forward and don't look back."

Sasuke checks behind him and I quickly say his name.

" Sasuke-!"

He jumped a bit at the sudden call for his name, but regained his composure.

"How about we stop to get some snacks?"

I pointed at the closest convenience store.

He studied my face for a bit, then nodded yes.


-??? POV-

I'm watching him walk alone. I overheard him and Sasuke talking about meeting up at Ichiraku Ramen. The closer he gets the more anxious I get. When he finally arrived, Sasuke tried to greet him but he walked right past him. It was satisfying. When Sasuke grabbed his shoulder, Naruto turned real fast.I could see panic in his eyes. I got ready to fight off Sasuke if the worst were to happen.

"WOAH THERE, it's just me!"

I saw Naruto's face relax and felt a bit bitter.


They're talking but I can't hear what they're saying.

Just then Naruto grabs his hand and walks in the direction of his house.

I felt enraged that he was grabbing his hand, not mine.

'I'll have to get rid of him soon....'

I follow them and try to get closer to hear what they are saying. Sasuke looks back and it seems as if he's looking for something.

'Sh*t, did they find me out?' I was about to run, when I heard Naruto's Voice.


I turn to see them being closer than before. I feel my blood boil.

Naruto pointed at the convenience store he always goes to. Sasuke nodded yes, and they made their way to the store. I quickly got up from my hiding spot and looped around so i'll be able to be there by 'coincidence'.

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