Chapter 2 (part 2)

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Pt. 2

Naruto had gone silent in his seat. He was looking out the window.

It stayed like this for 20 minutes. I decided to break the silence by answering his earlier question.

"And about telling people we're dating. I did that because I'm pretty sure Lee already told everyone we know about us." I say in a calm tone.

"Oh yeah. I had completely forgotten about that, but that's also your fault." he said with a sigh.

"I bet they're gonna be surprised that someone like you is dating someone like me" I laughed quietly.

"I think it's the other way around. I mean you're technically the pretty boy of our school." Naruto Looked at me with a big grin on his face.

My face started to burn up. I notice that Ichiraku Ramen is coming up. Since the ramen stand is located in a crowded area with many different shops nearby, there are no cars permitted. I turn into a parking lot nearby and park toward the front. "So you're not mad at me anymore?" I say with a smirk on my face.

"I don't know? If you spend the night again I'll forgive you." He says with a cheeky smile.

He gets out of the car and slams the door. I look up out the window and see him stretching. Even with a hoodie on you can tell he has a nice build with broad shoulders. I look away and turn the car off. I get out and lock the car. I look up at naruto.

"Looks like i'll have to stay the night." I say smiling at him. We walk to the crosswy and cross the road.

We pass by many shops and people on our way. We finally arrived at the stand and took a seat at the far left corner where there were less people. We grabbed some menus and started to browse. Naruto put his menu down and said,

"I already know what I want. What about you Sasuke?"

I look at him and back down at the menu.

"I don't eat the same thing everytime, y'know." I say with a sigh.

Naruto smirked,

"Sorry princess, didn't mean to rush you."

I rolled my eyes at him and say,

"I'll get the Tonkotsu Ramen."

Naruto nodded and called Ayame, the owner's daughter, down. She walked toward us with a smile on her face.

"Alright, what can I get for you today." she says while looking at me.

"I'll have Tonkotsu Ramen and some dumplings please." I say with a light smile.

"Okay, I'll bring it out right away." she says while looking at both of us.

"What about me?" Naruto says with a pout on his face. She looks at him and starts laughing.

"Oh Naruto, I don't even have to take your order anymore since I know what you'll get.." Ayame said in between laughs. Naruto pouts his lips more in an attempt to make her feel bad. Ayame regains her composure and straightens up. She looks Naruto in the eyes,

"MIso Ramen with extra chasu, right?" she says with a light smile.

Naruto looks at her for a moment and then says with bright smile,


She smiles at him and walks away. She gives the order to her dad and leaves to take more orders.

"So you're staying over right?" Naruto says with an optimistic tone.

I look at him and then look away pretending to think about it.

"Oh, c'mon you just said you would!" he whines.

"Then why'd you ask if you knew the answer," I said looking back at him..

"I Just wanted to verify.." he pouts.

I let out a small laugh and patted his back.

"I'm staying for the night so no need to worry." I said with a calm tone.

??? POV.

I can feel my heart ache and my throat dry up. Watching Naruto being so close to sasuke makes my heart break and my blood boil. I hate that I can't be as close to him anymore. It's all because of sasuke. He ruined everything. Sasuke is observant, he'll catch me if I get to close . 

"If only I could get rid of him" I smile as I stare at Sasuke. 

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