Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


??? POV

After watching Naruto and Sasuke for a while I started making my way home. I board a bus and sit toward the back. I get off after a few stops. The day has started to fade and street lights have started to turn on. I look at the floor while I make my way to the apartment building. I look up when someone bumps into me. The person in front of me is a pretty woman with dark long purple hair with pale purple eyes that someone could mistake her for being blind.

"Ah! It's you from business class! It's been so long since we've last seen each other. How have you been?" she says cooly.

I still couldn't believe how much she has changed since middle school. She used to be so quiet and timid. I heard she was still the same way in the beginning of highschool and that the change happened when she had gone on a business trip for her dad's company. She had come back and had changed.

"I've been well. I haven't seen you in class for a while, Hyuga," 'I say in a calm manner.

I hate her. I hate that she watched and talked to Naruto and even dated him for a while. Though they barely lasted 2 months. Nobody knows they dated except for me. They dated during the summer break and broke up a month before the beginning of University. They were still on good terms afterwards and I hate it.

"I had some business overseas for the HYUGA company. Aren't you also quite busy with company work?" She says with a taunting tone.

I could feel myself get angrier.

"Yes, I'm quite busy with paperwork. I'm still a university student so I don't get to lead meetings." I say with a forced smile.

"How scary. Your smile is obviously forced." she said while looking at me with disgust.

"Just wanted to be nice to the head and princess of the HYUGA company. Afterall we are business partners" I say, dropping my smile.

"Right. Sorry if I've offended you." she says.

"Um. I've gotta go now. I can't keep Naruto waiting."

Hinata's eyes flicked up to look at me. She seemed to be debating something.

"Well we don't want to keep him waiting now do we?" she says with a smile and slight bush on her cheeks.

"Right. Are you coming along?" I say.

"Obviously. What did you think I meant by 'we'. I haven't seen him in a while." she says happily.


"Alright, follow me." I said softly.

She walked behind me quietly. Not speaking a word. Even if she was quiet, I could tell she was excited. The way she looks at the floor while fidgeting her thumbs. Slight blush on her cheeks and the shine in her eyes.

We walked up the stairs to my apartment. The blush on her cheeks spread to her ears. I take a deep breath and face Hinata once we are in front of my door.

"What." she said with a harsh tone.

Her glare seemed as if it could cut the air.

"If you were to die, who would inherit the company?" I say in a soft voice.

She flinched

"My father always makes remarks on how if I were to die my older sister would inherit the company." I say chuckling.

Hinata seems to be growing angry.

"Neji would be incharge for a while until my sister is old enough to inherit the company." she says with a nonchalant tone.

"We should hurry in. Don't want to keep Naruto waiting."

Her face brightened up and the blush was back.



I type in the lock code and open the door. I went in first, Hinata behind me. I take my shoes off.

"Naruto-kun! We're here!" Hinata yells cheerfully.

As fast as her mood can change, she quickly realized that I had tricked her. She looks at me with hatred in her eyes.

"What the fuck, you asshole?" she yells.

I smile at her lightly.

"What?" I say sweetly.

Terror flashed through her eyes.

"Are you planning to kill me just like the others? You killed those people who hated Naruto back in middle school right?"

Her voice was shaking,

I smile.

Her eyes widened.

She attempts to open the door.

I didn't open.


All I could see was red.


All I could hear was her screams of agony.


All I could feel was..



Authors note:

I haven't been writing lately because exams are coming up and school work has been hard for me. I'll still try to make a regular uploading schedule soon but might not start after school testing. In fact the next chapter might not come out until after state testing. Sorry for the in convince.

Thanks .

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