Chapter 2-part 1

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Hinata and Neji looked at each other, then at me.

"As if," They said in unison.

I turned my head to look at Naruto and smile at him.

"If it's so hard to believe, ask him yourself. He's right here after all." I turn and smirk at them.

"Well, is it true? Are you two dating?" Hinata said with worry dripping on every word.

"I- uh, Yeah" Naruto got flustered and looked away from her.

"How long?" Neji asked.

"We started dating around the beginning of this semester, so for 2 months." I smile at Neji, knowing that it would get him mad.

"You've been dating for quite a while now, huh?" HIniata said while looking at Naruto.

"Yeah we have..." Naruto said, still looking away.

"Well, we must get going." I squeeze Naruto's hand and look at him.

"Let's go before it starts to get dark." I say with sweetness in my voice. He looks at me and smiles.

"Yeah, let's go." He turns to Neji and Hinata.

"It was nice to see you both again. See you another time." He smiles at them and waves while starting to walk toward the car. He turns to look at me and his smile drops. We get into the cars and sit in silence for a moment.

"What was that for! Huh?!" Naruto yelled while looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I turn the car on but I don't look at him. I start to pull out of the parking lot and drive toward the exit.

"Why do you keep telling people that we are dating? I'm not gay, you know." Naruto says with a huff.

I could feel my heart sink hearing those words. I don't have a chance at all with him.

"He was watching..." I say as I stop the car to scan my student id.

Naruto stiffens. He looks at me with wide eyes.

"Are you sure?" His voice cracked and he was trembling.

I drove out of the university and started to drive toward Ichiraku Ramen.


Authors note: Sorry that this part is very short. I've been busy with school. I just wanted to upload this and I promise the next part will be longer. 😭

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