chapter4 applebuck season

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It was another beautiful day in ponyville and Applejack insisted on to do a whole apple harvest alone and all by herself! Big mack disagreed!

Big mack: one pony plus hundreds of appletrees just doesn't add up! Applejack: don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddle the issue! Big mack: biting off more than you can chew I'd just what I'm afraid of! Applejack: I got this plus, Colin Spi...

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Big mack: one pony plus hundreds of appletrees just doesn't add up! Applejack: don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddle the issue! Big mack: biting off more than you can chew I'd just what I'm afraid of! Applejack: I got this plus, Colin Spirit is busy taking care of a robot bug of some kind, I'll be fine! Big mack: I'm afraid it will be to big to handle on your own! Applejack: I must get to work, These apples aren't going to pick themselves! Big mack then walked into town where Colin Spirit was fighting an insecticon!

Big mack: one pony plus hundreds of appletrees just doesn't add up! Applejack: don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddle the issue! Big mack: biting off more than you can chew I'd just what I'm afraid of! Applejack: I got this plus, Colin Spi...

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Colin Spirit as cyber bot: alright con time for you to buzz off!

This is what Colin's cyber bot alien looks like! Just picture an omnitrix logo on his chest and the colors of this are green and black! After Colin Spirit defeated the insecticon, he locks it up in a staysiss pod and called Bumblebee to pick it up...

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This is what Colin's cyber bot alien looks like! Just picture an omnitrix logo on his chest and the colors of this are green and black! After Colin Spirit defeated the insecticon, he locks it up in a staysiss pod and called Bumblebee to pick it up! After Bumblebee stopped by and picked up the pod then left, big mack walked over to Colin Spirit! Colin's omnitrix timed out!

Colin Spirit: hey big mack, what's up! Big mack: Colin Spirit, do you know about applebuckin season? Colin Spirit: I do, why? Big mack: well applejack is in charge of the harvest this year, and I was wondering if you could help her? Colin Spirit: say no more, I'll help but if she refuses my help, let's just say, I know how to get under her skin! Big mack: what do you mean by that? Colin Spirit: relax Big mack, it's a harmless process, besides if her will is strong then I'll think of something else, I got this! Colin Spirit then walked to Sweet apple acres and saw applejack bucking some appletrees! Colin Spirit: hey applejack, big mack told me that you were harvesting apples all by yourself, so I'm here to help! Applejack: oh no, you're not using your powers to help me with applebuckin season! Colin Spirit: why not? Applejack: because I want to do it all by myself! Colin Spirit: fine, you leave me no choice! Colin Spirit's then overshadowed Applejack, but for a short time! After Colin Spirit lost control of Applejack, he fell to the floor! Applejack: what did you do that for? Colin Spirit: sorry, I just thought I teach you a lesson on how not to be stubborn, but your will is strong! Applejack: I don't need your help, now of you excuse me, I need to get back to work! Colin Spirit then dialed up cyber bot on his omnitrix and scanned Applejack's tractor! Then Colin's omnitrix timed out!

Colin Spirit: well, if you don't need my help, then I'll be going now! Colin Spirit then flew to twilight's library! Colin Spirit entered the library when he got there! Colin Spirit: Twilight we need to talk about Applejack! Twilight: why, is she in trouble? Colin Spirit: no it's worse, she's doing the whole apple harvest alone and all by herself! Twilight: did you try helping her? Colin Spirit: I offered it but she refused, she is as stubborn as an appoplexian, wich is a tiger alien! Twilight: so she won't let anypony help her, I'll go talk to her! Colin Spirit you do that while I go for a drive in the town! Colin Spirit then dialed up cyber bot on his omnitrix and transformed into his motorcycle mode, then drove off! As for twilight she walked to Sweet apple acres to talk to Applejack! When Twilight got to Sweet apple acres, Twilight: Applejack, we need to talk!

Twilight then walked to Colin Spirit's house where Colin Spirit just finished driving in his motorcycle mode! Colin Spirit then changes back to his bot mode and his omnitrix timed out!

Colin Spirit: hey twilight, let me guess, you got through to applejack? Twilight: yes and she needs our help! Colin Spirit: lead the way! Later Colin Spirit and his pony friends were helping Applejack on the apple farm! Colin Spirit dialed up Dimondman on his omnitrix!

Colin Spirit: hey twilight, let me guess, you got through to applejack? Twilight: yes and she needs our help! Colin Spirit: lead the way! Later Colin Spirit and his pony friends were helping Applejack on the apple farm! Colin Spirit dialed up Dimo...

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Rarity: darling, you look marvelous! Colin Spirit as Dimondman: this is why I didn't want to use this alien for the apple harvest! After the harvest was done for the day, Colin's omnitrix timed out!

Colin Spirit: man I'm tired, that was a good workout! After drinking some apple juice, Colin Spirit flew to his house and went to bed! To be continued in the next chapter

A hybrid in equestria AKA Colin Spirit's new life season1Where stories live. Discover now