chapter9 Bridle Gossip

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It was another eventful day in ponyville and Colin Spirit was going for a walk with Twilight and Spike! Colin Spirit: another day, another adventure, speaking of which, where is everybody, it's like a ghost town in here, no pun intended! Twilight: you're right, ponyville seems abandoned! Spike: could it be zombies? Colin Spirit: spike, the only zombie I know is my sister and if there were any zombies around here, we'd be dead! Spike: you do have a point! Then the 2 ponies and dragon heard someone calling their names but in a whisper! Colin Spirit, Twilight and Spike, then walked over to Sugar Cube corner and pinkie pie, in a blink of an eye, pulled her friends in to the shop!

Before the ponies left the bakery, Colin Spirit just about had enough of hearing that Zecora is evil, because the ponies didn't have any proof! Colin Spirit: that's it I'm tired of you ponies saying that Zecora is evil, when she's not! Pinkie: what about my song? Colin Spirit: my point is that if Zecora is evil, my ghost scenes would go off by now! Twilight: how can you tell if someone's evil or not? Colin Spirit: I think it's the magic in equestria that allows my ghost scenes to not only detect ghosts but, magical creatures as well! Applejack: I still think that Zecora is evil! Colin Spirit: Applejack, do you even hear yourself right now, you're judging her because she is different, I mean, do you remember how you reacted when you saw my powers for the first time? Applejack: yes, but that's different! Colin Spirit: how is that different? Applejack: you're not as spooky as Zecora! Colin Spirit: if that's how you feel, fine, if you girls ever want to apologize to me, you know where to find me, in my house or in the everfree forest! Colin Spirit then changes into his earth pony form and ran out of the door! After Colin Spencer left the bakery, Twilight: Applejack Colin's right plus, we need to apologize on how we acted! Meanwhile Colin Spencer walked over to Zecora who was just about to enter the everfree forest! Zecora: who are you and why so blue? Colin Spencer: I'm Colin Spencer AKA Colin Spirit the hybrid with many super powers, it's nice to meet you Zecora! Zecora: it's an honor to meet the hybrid friend of Applebloom, but why are you so gloom? Colin Spencer: my friends think that you're evil and they won't give you a chance! Zecora: I see, how can that be? Colin Spencer: well, one of them is stubborn, but just in case, can you please make an antidote for poison joke? Zecora: why do you need the antidote? Colin Spencer: let's just say I read about it and I sense my friends walking this way! Colin Spencer then turned intangible and walked through the poison joke but his pony friends walked in it!

Applejack: Mr Spirit, what were you thinking, bringing my little sister to the everfree forest! Colin Spirit then changes into his ghost alicorn form and become solid! Colin Spirit: you do know good and well that I would never do that, she walked in here by herself, also you're as stubborn as an appoplexian alien! Applejack: that's not true! Colin Spirit: oh yeah, well if you and the others have a proper apology, I'll be in my house, doing my superhero workout! Colin Spirit then flew off to his house and started fighting test dummy! Later, Colin Spirit heard a knock on his door!

Colin Spirit then answered the door and saw his pony friends, all except for Applejack! Twilight: we're so sorry for not trusting you and believing Zecora is evil when she's not! Pinkie: we all are sorry for not listening to you! Colin Spirit: opoligy excepted! All the mane6 gave Colin Spirit a group hug and then they went home! Colin Spirit: well let's hope tomorrow is a better day! The next morning, Colin Spirit woke up and looked at himself in the mirror! Then he screamed like a girl!

Colin Spirit had blue spots all over himself! Colin Spirit: what in primus is going on with me?, I have to got to the library! Colin Spirit tries to phase through his door but he couldn't! Colin Spirit: I guess I'll have to do this the old fashioned way! Colin Spirit opens his door and walked out then closed the door behind him! When he got to the library!

Before the ponies left the library, Colin Spirit: thank Celestia I found you, my powers aren't working! Twilight: why do you have blue spots all over you, also have you tried flying? Colin Spirit: first off it's not a curse, second, I can't fly or phase through solid objects, and 3, Zecora is working on a cure for this, which the plant is poison joke! Then the ponies walked into the everfree forest and saw Zecora mixing up a stew!

Colin Spirit: now, about the cure? Later at a spa place!

Colin Spirit: finally, my powers are back! Colin Spirit got out of the tub, dried off, and thanked Zecora for the cure! Zecora: you are welcome my ghostly friend, I hope you start a trend! Colin Spirit: good one Zecora, anyway, I need to get back to my superhero workout, see you later! To be continued in the next chapter

A hybrid in equestria AKA Colin Spirit's new life season1Where stories live. Discover now