The next morning after helping Rarity and the rest of the mane6 with the largest haul of gems they found, Colin Spirit decides to go clothes shopping! Colin Spirit walked into the Boutique where he found Fluttershy posing for fashion pictures! Colin Spirit's [thoughts]: what in the fashion world is going on? Colin Spirit [speaks]: has anyone seen Rarity! Random pony: who? Colin Spirit: I'm going to pretend whoever said that didn't say who at all! Fluttershy: sorry everypony, that's my friend Colin Spirit, he's a hero from another dimension! Then the other ponies started to surround Colin Spirit with questions and not giving him any space! Colin Spirit: ponies, please one at a time! Colin Spirit got so nervous with the crowd of ponies that he turned intangible and flew out of the boutique! One pony: were did he go? Second pony: I don't know! Once outside of the boutique, Colin Spirit breathed a sigh of relief! Colin Spirit then turned solid and ran to the library! Twilight: hi Colin Spirit is anything wrong? Colin Spirit: let's just say that's the last time I go clothes shopping at Carousel Boutique! Twilight, why, what happened? Colin Spirit: first off, fluttershy was is now part of a fashion trend and on top of that I got surrounded by a lot of ponies and I got nervous, so I flew out of the boutique and came here! Twilight: calm down and why is Fluttershy being a fashion trend? Colin Spirit: I don't know! Twilight so, what now? Colin Spirit: I come in here, look you in the eye, tell you what's what, and what? Twilight: what? Colin Spirit: what what? Twilight: what nothing, you said what first! Colin Spirit: I didn't say what, I asked you what? Twilight: you said and then what, and I said what! Colin Spirit: I said what what what like what what! Twilight: you said what first! Colin Spirit: now you're making fun of me? Twilight no no, it's a misunderstanding! Then Jack skelingdog and hairy spider walked into the room! Jack skelingdog: sorry master, hairy had an accident, he was born! Hairy [mocking voice]: ha ha you're a common genius! Note: I wrote a shark tale reference in this chapter of the story! Colin Spirit: I think I need to go for a walk, and twilight if you were going to ask where the spider came from, yesterday I got him from the pet store! Twilight:have fun! Time skip Colin Spirit bumps into Rarity! Colin Spirit: sorry Rarity, I wasn't watching where I was going! Rarity: it's fine, I need to find Fluttershy! Colin Spirit: well good luck! Rarity then ran off to a fashion show and apologized to Fluttershy about being jealous for her being in the fashion business! As for Colin Spirit, he went home and started to read a book! Then Fluttershy came by and knocked on Colin Spirit's house door! Colin Spirit answered it and Fluttershy apologized to Colin Spirit for telling everypony that he was a famous hero from another dimension! Colin Spirit: opoligy excepted Fluttershy, good night! Fluttershy: good night! To be continued in the next chapter!
A hybrid in equestria AKA Colin Spirit's new life season1
FanfictionColin Spirit is traveling to equestria to settle in with his new life as a pony. He is also learning about friendship and keeping equestria safe.