The next morning, Colin Spirit woke up and did his morning routine! After Colin Spirit's morning routine, Colin Spirit went for a walk! Then Colin Spirit saw 2 little kid ponies, one was taller than the other!
Snails: hey Mr. Spirit, do you want to see something magical? Colin Spirit: I don't see why not! Snipps: you'll love the great and powerful trixie! Colin Spirit chuckled: we'll see about that, and I highly doubt that this trixie is powerful! Colin Spirit walked to a crowd of ponies watching a magical performance! Colin Spirit's thoughts: I need to change! Colin Spirit then changes back into his earth pony form! Colin Spencer: that's better! Then Colin Spencer sees a blue pony with a magician hat on!
Colin Spencer: who's that? Rainbow dash then lands next to her hybrid friend! Rainbow dash: that's trixie, she thinks that she's a magician worth watching! Colin Spencer: she didn't meet me, yet ,this will be fun! Colin Spencer walked into the crowd and stood next to Twilight! Then Trixie was about to show Rainbow dash what she can do when Colin Spencer called out: hey Trixie show us some real magic!
Colin Spencer: I have some tricks to show you! Trixie: anything you can do, I can do better! Colin Spencer walked onto the stage and turned invisible! Trixie: where did he go? Colin Spencer then turned solid and took a bow! Trixie: please have you defeated an ursemager! Colin Spencer: like I'm going to believe that, I with the help of my friends defeated Nightmare Moon, yes I have proof it happened! Colin Spencer showed a hologram of what happened! All the ponies in the crowd were clapping or hoof clapping if you readers want to put it that way! Trixie: how can a earth pony defeat a threat like Nightmare Moon! Colin Spencer: I didn't say that I was a normal pony! Colin Spencer then transforms into his ghost alicorn form!
Trixie: you're an alicorn! Colin Spirit: yes and twilight and I challenge you to a magic face off! Trixie: trixie excepts the challenge! After Trixie left the stage, twilight couldn't believe what she heard! Meanwhile back at the library, twilight: Colin Spirit, are you crazy?! Colin Spirit: I don't know what I was thinking, besides, I was trying to protect you and all of ponyville! Twilight: maby I should stay out of this! Colin Spirit: if it makes you feel better, I'll just go for a walk for now! Colin Spirit stepped out of the library and went for a walk! Meanwhile Snipps and Snails walk into a cave and accidentally woke a an urseminer!
Colin Spirit: a hero's work is never done, come on omnitrix give me something so we can get on with our lives! Colin Spirit then changes into alien-God AKA alien x as a pony!
Colin Spirit as alien-god: twilight put the creature to sleep while I fix the town!
Alien-god: wow I'm empressed, remind me not to get on your bad side twilight! Colin's omnitrix timed out!
Twilight: sorry I thought just how powerful I am, you wouldn't like me anymore! Rainbow dash: no you're awesome! Colin Spirit: I learned that lesson the hard way when I was hiding my hybrid secrets! Rarity: we love you just the way you are! All the mane6 including Colin Spirit, gave twilight a group hug! After the group hug, Colin Spirit walked over to Trixie! Colin Spirit: hey Trixie, I know we just met today, but do you want to my friend? Trixie: tri, I mean, I would love that! Colin Spirit gave Trixie a hug and walked over to twilight! After Trixie left ponyville twilight gave Snipps and Snails a punishment
They had to work off the rest of the damage to ponyville! Colin Spirit: another day of my new life! Colin Spirit then walked to his house and went to bed! To be continued in the next chapter
A hybrid in equestria AKA Colin Spirit's new life season1
FanfictionColin Spirit is traveling to equestria to settle in with his new life as a pony. He is also learning about friendship and keeping equestria safe.