Day 6: 🎃🥘🍭 Halloween Feast 🍭🥘🎃

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Btw, I stole the image from Harry Potter 😌😏 Did anyone recognize it?

Ships: LJSM 💛💙🧡💜🖤🤍❤💗 (Lots of emojis)

Added ships: Dracy, Henriam 💙🖤💚❤

"Jake! Turn the TV off! Now is not the time for karaoke! Everyone's gonna be here soon!", called Hailey from the kitchen. Jake grabbed the TV remote and switched it off, then he walked into the kitchen. "Good. Now, help me set the table. Zander just texted, he and Luke are going to be here soon", said Hailey, as she grabbed a stack of napkins.

"Alright, what do you want me to do?", asked Jake. "Put the plates down. Oh! And grab the paper ones, not the ceramic ones". Jake did so, and took a few paper plates and started to place them down on the table. "I still don't know why you brought out the fancy placemats", said Jake. "What?", asked Hailey.

"Henry can be a messy eater, I would know, I sat with him for lunch for months", said Jake. Hailey rolled her eyes. "Even if he is a messy eater, we need to make sure that we present well". "Why? It's a table". Hailey rolled her eyes again. "Come on Jake, just shut up, and set the table", said Hailey. Right when they finished with the table, the doorbell rang. "That must be Luke and Zander, I'll go get it", said Hailey, as she walked over to the door to answer it.

Jake just took a seat on the couch. (Wow, they really like the couch) Hailey opened the door to see Luke and Zander standing in the doorway with a steel pot. "Hey Zander, hi Luke", said Hailey, as she hugged both of them. "Here let me take that for you", said Hailey, as she took the pot from Luke's hands and set it on the dining table. Zander and Luke walked into the living room and Jake looked up. "Oh, hey guys". "Hi Jake", said Luke, Zander just nodded.

Suddenly, Jake's phone rang. He picked it up. "Sean and Daisy said that they'll be here soon, and Milly and Elliot said that they may be running a little late", said Jake. Hailey nodded. "What about your friends? When will they be coming?", asked Hailey. "They're coming together, and they'll be here soon", said Jake.

"Still don't know why you invited them", Zander muttered. "Zander, come on. They're our friends now", said Luke. "In the meantime, why don't we watch a movie", suggested Hailey. "Luke nodded and they all sat down on the couch. A little later, Sean and Daisy arrived with cookies and brownies. Drew, Stacy, Henry, and Liam, arrived a little after them.

When Drew came in, Zander scowled at him, but Drew didn't really notice him. "Hey freaks", said Drew. Zander glowered at him. "Relax! I'm just joking", said Drew.

"What's that you have there Henry?", asked Jake. "Oh this?", asked Henry, looking at the metal pot in his hands. "It's lettuce!". Hailey looked at him. "Seriously?". "What? Everybody loves lettuce, right?", said Henry. Hailey walked over to him and took the pot from him, then she set it down on the table. Finally, Milly and Elliot arrived. "Sorry we're late!", said Elliot. "Milly accidentally lost our car keys and it took us a while to find them", said Elliot. Everybody looked at Milly.

She just shrugged. "What? Everybody loses things! Especially Jake-". "I do not!", said Jake. Hailey raised an eyebrow. "Uh huh? So you're saying that you didn't lose our house keys and we didn't have to call the locksmith?", asked Hailey. Jake put a hand to his chest and made an audible gasp. "I take full offense". "Hey guys? Now that everyone's here, could we start eating now?", asked Luke. "Yeah, listen to Luke", said Zander. Milly rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, I'm starved". "Alright everyone, just take a seat at the table please", said Hailey. Everyone walked into the kitchen and sat down on a chair.

"Luke and Zander brought vegan pot roast, Sean and Daisy brought cookies and brownies, and Henry brought lettuce, so, dig in everyone!", said Hailey. Before anyone could reach for anything, Henry grabbed the pot of lettuce, took the lid off, and started eating it. Everybody looked at him. Drew just stared at Henry. "God, Henry, you could AT LEAST eat the lettuce with a fork and knife", said Drew. "Yeah, it's not even cooked", said Zander. "Please tell me that you washed that", said Jake. Henry looked at everyone. "Can't a guy enjoy his favorite food without being made fun of?", said Henry. "Not if the guy won't shut up about it", said Drew.

Henry made another audible gasp. "If you guys didn't want any, you could've just said so. You didn't have to be so rude about it", said Henry, as he shoved another piece of lettuce into his mouth. Everybody rolled their eyes at him. (Except Sean, Luke, Daisy, and Stacy. They're too kind for their own good) This was getting a little awkward for Sean, Luke, Daisy, and Stacy, so Daisy cleared her throat to get everybody's attention. "Could somebody hand me the pot roast please?". Everybody stared at her. "Uhm, okay. It's alright, I can get it myself", said Daisy, as she got up and reached for the pot roast.

She put some on her plate, and everyone was still looking at her. Daisy felt everyone's eyes on her, so she looked up. "Does anyone want some?", she asked. "I'll take some", said Luke. Daisy pushed the pot to him. "Well, this is awkward", said Hailey. "Uhm, so Zander, how was your date with Luke last week?", asked Hailey, trying to break the silence. "It was good", replied Zander, as he put a spoon of food in his mouth. "And Drew, I heard that you and Stacy just started dating, how did that happen?", asked Jake. Drew and Stacy's faces flushed red. "Well-". "Oh I can tell you all about it", said Henry, interrupting Drew. "Liam and I put mistletoe above them when they were going out for ice cream together", said Henry, grinning.

Jake and Hailey stared at him blankly. "It's October", said Hailey. "Well yeah, but either way, you can't break tradition", said Henry. "It's not tradition if it's not December", said Jake. "Well they don't know that", said Liam. "Uhm hello? We're right here", said Drew. "Doesn't matter, you didn't know then, and that's all that matters", shrugged Henry. This single question Jake had asked led to everyone at the table talking to one and another again, and it was a lot less awkward. When everyone was finished, everyone started to get up, and was getting ready to go. "Thanks for inviting us Hailey!", said Daisy as she walked out the door. "The food was amazing!". "Oh you're welcome Daisy, you and Sean should come over some time", said Hailey.

"That's a great idea!", said Daisy. "We have to get going, great party guys", said Sean. Hailey smiled. "Thanks Sean, see ya", said Hailey. They walked out of the door. She turned around to face Jake. "Well, those were the last two", said Hailey. I nodded. "Now, you're going to take everything off the table, I'll throw the plates away". Jake groaned. "But whyyyy?", asked Jake. "Because". She paused, and made the most adorable puppy eyes Jake had ever seen. Jake's face turned redder than a tomato (Or Milly's hair, whichever one you prefer). "A-Alright, j-just don't do that again", said Jake. Hailey smirked, and somehow she still looked cute doing that. She walked over to the recycling bin and started putting the plates in there, as Jake cleared the table. When they were finished, they both sat on the couch (AGAIN). "Great job today", said Hailey. "Good enough for this?", asked Jake. Hailey raised an eyebrow. "Good enough for what-". Hailey was cut off by Jake, kissing her. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. A few seconds later, they pulled away. Hailey smiled, and she inched closer to him. She put her head on his chest, and he put his arms around her, forcing them to cuddle. "Do you want to go to bed?", asked Jake. "No, I think I'll sleep on the couch today", said Hailey. Jake smiled, and he closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

OH MY GOSH, I FINALLY FINISHED THIS. My arms hurt so bad, this chapter took sooooo long. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm also running out of ideas, please message me some, I'd love to hear your suggestions! I'll see you tomorrow!

Luv ya! 

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