Chapter 96-100

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Male supporting, please don't blacken
Traditional Chinese
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Chapter 96 Blackening096% If You Die, I'll Marry Shi Shu

    Mu Chaoyan wanted to kill Yaoyao.

    Although Rong Shen didn't want to admit it, the pain of his arm being pierced clearly reminded him that it was all true.

    What hurts more than the injured arm is Rong Shen's heart that was torn and twisted.

    This is the aunt he just found. After a few days of warmth and coldness in an instant, his careful reconciliation and guardianship eventually became a joke. Sometimes, he would prefer to be stupid, not to see through the conspiracy behind these warmth. .

    "So you've already seen it." Mu Chaoyan sighed softly.

    Her nails were as sharp as knives, and the long nails were exposed from the other side through the flesh.

    Pulling back her hands extremely fast, Mu Chaoyan just wanted to relieve Rong Shen's pain, but she underestimated the damage she had done to Rong Shen. Shen's chin, eyes, wet his long eyelashes.

    "Yun Jing."

    Mu Chaoyan looked at him, "Auntie doesn't want to kill her either, but we really can't find the last extreme yin body. If she doesn't die, how can your father live?"

    "Then don't live. ."

    Rong Shen tightly guarded Yaoyao behind him, his blood-stained eyelashes drooped, and blood droplets fell on his eyelids like a line of tears. He repeated the words in a low and hoarse voice: "Then don't live."

    Rong Qingyuan was a dead person. He has been dead for more than ten years and has never appeared in Rong Shen's life. Why? As soon as he is reborn, he will take away his most important person?

    These words were stabbed into Mu Chaoyan's body like a needle, she opened her eyes in disbelief, and gave Rong Shen a slap without thinking.


    the long sleeves were cut, and with the crisp sound, Mu Chaoyan's nails scratched Rong Shen's cheeks.

    She was trembling with anger, and she almost collapsed and shouted: "You say it again!"

    "Yun Jing, that's your father! He is your father!"

    "Isn't your father's life more important than a beast!"

    Rong Qingyuan is the lifeblood of Mu Chaoyan, and she can't allow others to say a single word of him. , not to mention this person is her son.

    Every time Rong Shen repeated the words, Mu Chaoyan slapped him, and when the third slap was about to fall, Rong Shen reached out to stop him, he grabbed Mu Chaoyan's wrist and looked into her eyes to correct it seriously: " Yaoyao is not a beast."

    "I will kill anyone who dares to insult her in the future." Including Mu Chaoyan.

    Rong Shen knew that Mu Chaoyan had a strong demonic energy in her body, so he did not hesitate to shoot at her. Mu Chaoyan was unprepared and was knocked back a few steps by Rong Shen.

    "Yun Jing!" she screamed.

    Seeing that Rong Shen picked up Yaoyao and was about to flee, Mu Chaoyan asked, "Are you really going to abandon A-Niang for her!"

    Rong Shen ignored it, he picked up Yaoyao with one hand and swept out the window. Mu Chaoyan stood still, her vermilion skirt fluttered, her eyes were blood red and her face full of tears, she looked at Rong Shen sadly and said, "Do you know how much A-Niang suffered for you..."

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