Chapter 28- The mole

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"Annabelle!" Oluwatosin yelled as she came downstairs followed closely by Damola.

"Yes mummy," the child answered rushing towards her.

"Come! We are leaving." Tosin announced as she stopped by the door.

Bunmi paused the movie they were watching and proceeded to join them.

"Mrs. Akanbi it was nice meeting you," Oluwatosin stated while extending
her hand towards the lady of the house.

"It was nice meeting you too," Bunmi answered shaking the hand reluctantly.

"And you my darling." She added sweetly, looking down at Annabelle which prompted the little girl  to give her a cheeky smile in return.

Upon realizing the smile, Oluwatosin yanked Annabelle by the hand then said, "Right, we'll be on our way. I'll keep in touch," then slammed the front door shut.

The couple watched as Annabelle and her mother walked out of the house. Bunmi was baffled by her overly nice attitude because she could have sworn the woman hated her guts not too long ago.

"Sooo," Bunmi started as the duo sauntered into the parlor.

"Soooo...," Damola answered, carelessly sitting on the couch.

"Dee don't act smart with me! You know what I mean," Bunmi countered, sitting next to him.

"I do but there's a high possibility that if I tell you, you'll vex"

"How do you know?! Tell me please" she begged.

"I know you," muttered Damola.

"Then you know that I'm very unpredictable. Now shoot!" Bunmi snarled.

"Okay! So can you remember I said I did a lot of things in the past," He asked, carmouflaging his anxiety with a calm face.

Bunmi nodded.

"Yes well, during my quest, I met Oluwatosin. Long story short, she got pregnant and maybe I sghilkgvnm"

"Maybe you what?"

"I dhjklngdhkok"

"Say it clearly now!"

"I might have forced her to get an abortion"

"You what?!" Bunmi shouted shooting up.

"See I told you you'd get angry "

"Are you mad?! This is something to get angry about. What on earth were you thinking?! Oh My God! I think it's even a criminal offense. Wait is she pressing charges?, That's it we are finished!"

"Hey, hey, hey, relax my love." Damola cajoled placing his hands on her arms.

"Don't tell me to relax!" Bunmi yelled getting away from him.

"I can't believe you did such....a despicable thing. Damola I thought I've seen it all, but with you, you always seem to find a way to shock me!" She growled.

"Babe I swear I've changed. I was young, selfish and blinded by rage and revenge. Although it does not excuse what I did, I take full accountability and I promise, I will try to make it right." He pleaded with glassy eyes.

"You better Damola Akanbi! You're running out of chances! But hold on, this still does not explain how Anna is your daughter."

"Yes. Well, Oluwatosin did not get the abortion and after a few months, Annabelle was born. The woman came to give me answers." He said before relaying all that Oluwatosin had told him to Bunmi.

"I can't believe she went through all that. I am so happy she found her feet. Wow! my heart goes out to her-"

"Oh there's one more thing," Damola blurted interrupting his wife.

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