Chapter 32- The Instigator

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I've always observed from a distance.
In the shadows, I've been a silent spectator, patiently biding my time for that opportune moment to seize control. With calculated precision, I let them believe that they were masters of their fate, all the while hiding the truth – they were just puppets dancing to the strings I subtly manipulated.

The art of deception became my best friend as I orchestrated a narrative that fed their belief in autonomy. It was all a game of patience and strategy to me, allowing them to revel in the false empowerment I granted them. The irony of their perceived control over their lives fueled my amusement. Little did they suspect that their every decision, every triumph or setback, was influenced by my unseen hand that guided their destiny.

As the mastermind of this wonderful charade, I enjoyed every bit of their performance. Their belief in their free will only deepened the complexity of my web; I let them see exactly what I wanted them to see.

I had set up a magnificent dance show and indeed they were starring in it.  The delicate dance continued, with each moment carefully curated to serve the overarching narrative of my design.

Although the dance was ever enjoyable, I soon became tired!
Tired of all the pretense. The façade of smiles and positivity nauseated me; from that revolting perfume Damola wore all the time to the mere mention of their names. I found everything utterly loathsome and it was finally wearing me out.

Countless of times, I contemplated ways to rid myself of them but they've all been in vain. I figured it was because the whole time, I was acting alone. I had failed once, and it was not going to happen again.

My plan was meticulously crafted down to the point where everything they encountered was supposed to be there.  It was going well before Bunmi's grandmother died suddenly, and it cost a spiral in my series of calculated events.

I honestly thought they were on to my plan when I heard they travelled overseas so abruptly. Their assumption of escaping abroad without consequences was a grave miscalculation on their part; I was determined to ensure their suffering.

They thought they could go and spend a whole two months and everything would look like rainbows and sunshine once they got back?! They were absolutely wrong.

Like a severely fatigued worker, my patience waned, replaced by an overflowing cup of rage.

Hot unfiltered boiling rage.

I took their so-called trip as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win this war.

I was finally prepared to confront the source of my anger, willing to do whatever it took to reclaim my true self. I went through the pain of finding people that hated them; not as much as I did but rather, a great deal. People that were going to help me achieve my goal, the ultimate destruction of the Akanbi Family.

Subsequently, finding out about my long lost sister was quite the surprise. And as though the universe was showing me that it fully supported my mission, she just happened to be best friends with Bunmi and I was determined to use that to my advantage.

Not long after my discovery, my main accomplice emerged. Since then, we have actively been gaining ground, waiting for the perfect time to strike.

The long-awaited moment for vengeance had finally arrived, and my strategy was poised to unleash a war that will make them atone for their sins. Anyone choosing to align with them would inevitably share the same fate.

The emotions, carefully bottled for years, were now ready to be unleashed upon those who had the misfortune of provoking my wrath. I was going to make them pay.

As the curtain rose on the theater of revenge, I could recall the saying that revenge was a dish best served cold. Yet, in my case, it was a meticulously planned sequence of courses. The starter, a taste of their own medicine, had left them reeling. Now, as we transitioned to the main course, the gravity of their impending retribution was palpable.

As I proceeded to the main course of this intricate feast of vengeance, I was acutely aware that each move, each calculated step, was a note in the symphony of their downfall.

The stage was already set, and I found myself standing at the crossroads of resolve and retribution. The anger that had coursed through my veins for years now served as a relentless driving force, pushing me forward with a singular purpose—to confront them and exact the revenge that has been brewing within. The war I was about to wage was not merely a clash of forces but a calculated symphony of consequences. Every move would be strategic, and every action was going to echo the resonance of justice long denied.



The trip with Damola was nothing short of amazing.

Our marriage, my husband, my life – all things I would forever be grateful for.  Ever since our return, Damola had been showering me with extra care, treating me delicately like some fragile ancient ceramic. Not that I was complaining, it's been a delightful experience.

The pinnacle of his gestures was surprising me with tickets to a Cory V concert. To top it off, he made sure Habiba was going too.

The anticipation of being with the people close to my heart added an extra layer of excitement. Here's to an amazing night out, embracing the opportunity to have fun and create wonderful memories.

How did I get so lucky? Time and time again, this wonderful man just kept outdoing himself.
I was loving it!

As I carefully picked out an outfit for the concert, the excitement bubbled within me. It wasn't just about the stylish attire; it was about embracing the energy of the night, letting loose, and immersing myself in the music alongside the people I hold dear. Damola's thoughtful gesture of surprising me with tickets added a layer of joy, especially knowing that Habiba would be part of the experience.

The prospect of a carefree night out became a beacon of light, offering a temporary respite from life's intricacies. It was a moment to dance away the worries, savor every beat, and relish the company of loved ones. I could already sense the laughter, the shared moments, and the collective joy that will fill the air at the concert.

So, with the selected outfit hanging ready, I couldn't wait for our night out, I was ready to create memories that would linger long after the music fades.

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