Sanemi • Demon Slayer

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First lemon of the new year and it was requested! Thank you for taking the time and patience of reading my material! He is actually my favorite character so I was happy to write him! I hope to write more in the near future! Cheers everyone!

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First lemon of the new year and it was requested! Thank you for taking the time and patience of reading my material! He is actually my favorite character so I was happy to write him! I hope to write more in the near future! Cheers everyone!



•20332 words•

Posted - January 16th 2023

Requested by @Justatypicaltrash


Sanemi sat at the bar surrounded by his co workers. His tie loosened and shirt unbuttoned to expose his scarred chest. He finishes his pint of beer and sighs tiredly. Looking over to his coworker annoying chatter that have been giving a headache since he came in. He wasnt entirely social and would start fights with them pretty often outside of work but something has been picking at him lately.
Sanemi worked at a college as a math instructor. He kept his classes small unlike most classes so he could pay more attention to each student better and for that he was one of the best teachers at the college despite his small temper. He recently gained a new student this semester. A woman in fact. Now Sanemi wasnt big on having relationships in general. He would rather focus all his time into his job and letting his brother do all the grandchildren for his mother who used to joke about getting grandchildren from him. Sure he as had one night stands but nothing serious.

"Sanemi?" A woman called out to him. Sanemi looked over to the voice to see his pink haired coworker, Mitsuri. She teaches history and was married to Obanai who was teaching science specifically environmental science. Sanemi grunted to tell her he was listening. "Are you okay? You seem really quiet lately.." She pouts at him. "It's nothing. Mind your own business." He grumbles and he could just feel her husband burning holes at the side of his head. "Mind your mouth you brute." Obanai said with a glare which Sanemi returned. "I didnt start it ass. Same to you, mind your own business." He grips his cup tighter getting irritated. Mitsuri shook her head at her husband to tell him to back off before looking back at Sanemi. "I heard you got a new student this semester. I thought you were full this year." Sanemi sighed at his coworker, giving up on pushing her away. "No, one dropped out because of financial issues so I had an open slot." He grumbles. "Well what are they like?" She asked with a smile and Sanemi glances at her before back to his empty glass. "It was a woman, (l/n)(y/n). So far she hasnt talked all that much so I am guessing a bit on the quiet side. I gave her my packet of questions so see where is she at and what I need to help her with." He answered as he recalled her entering his class that afternoon. "(L/n)? She is in my class." Muichiro murmurs in thought. Sanemi looked over at the youngest of the group. Muichiro is a fine arts teacher. "How is she in your class?" Mitsuri asked with a bright smile to show her excitement. "Has potential in art. Did a wonderful piece despite it being a sketch." Muichiro showed a small smile. Mitsuri squeals in her seat. "I need to see! Ill stop by your office on break!" She claps happily. "Calm yourself love." Obanai chuckles at his wife and Mitsuri only giggles. Sanemi was quiet and drummed his finger against the table. "I just hope she isnt hopeless in math. The kids I have are pretty far ahead." He grumbles annoyingly. "I guess you will see tomorrow." Obanai said calmly as he drank from his glass. 'I suppose thats true..'

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