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As we drive along the seemingly never-ending road that winds  through the massive estate of Templeton Manor, my mind briefly wanders back to a year ago. I was busy planning my wedding. I was happy, content and didn't have a care in the world, or at least that's what I had convinced myself of back then.

I'm not that same naive girl going through life with blinders on, seeing what I want to see. No! So much has happened to me these past few weeks and although I never thought I'd leave Denver, those experiences in Florida have changed me forever. So here I am in Memphis, about to take charge of my life and, well, start over on my own terms, but with my eyes wide open this time.

I've gotta say, I never thought I'd have the courage to take a chance like this. But the new improved Joy, the one that stands up for herself and holds her hands high over her head on a rollercoaster, embraces the thrill of this spontaneous career change. She welcomes the mystery of this unknown venture with open arms along with the surge of adrenaline that is flooding through her body at the moment. This Joy knows what she wants, and she's never going to make the same mistakes ever again. That's all behind her now.

When I get out of the car to stretch my legs a bit, I am immediately frozen in my tracks when I get my first glimpse of the towering mansion standing before me in all of its glory. I'm mesmerized by how majestic and grand it really is and tears start to well up in my eyes. My compliments to the gardeners too because the landscaping is done to perfection, and the flowerbeds filled with beautiful red roses that line the huge southern porch are all so welcoming. I can see Tiffany and I in our big southern hats kicked back in our rocking chairs, gossiping and sipping ice tea while we admire the flowers in the garden. It's all so perfect and it's like this place is calling out to me, Joy, you belong right here!

I give myself a moment to take it all in and thoroughly enjoy the warm fuzzy feeling that is spreading through my entire body. I glance over at Tiffany, who is just beaming from ear to ear and staring up at our new venture. Neither of us says a word. We're too caught up in the moment. We hold hands and let the beautiful moment together be enough.

I gaze up at the stairs we're about to climb, inhale deeply and hold my breath as I take my very first step toward this new beginning that I've been longing for. As we reach the tall, magnificent doors to the old manor, I hesitate and look back at Tiffany and give her a playful wink.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open the damn door already. This is a hotel Joy. Nobody's coming to let us in."

Tiffany's typical, booming voice could literally wake the dead and her snarky attitude immediately snaps me back to reality. If I'm being honest here, my hesitation to go in isn't at all about waiting for someone to greet us. It was a courageous attempt to distract myself from the sudden thoughts of fleeing I was having, like wanting to turn around and go right back to Florida to be with Adam.

I am starting to have second thoughts alright and as I reach for the doorknob, a cold, eerie feeling sweeps through me and gives me a good reason to. The last thing I need is for Tiffany to know that I got this feeling and that it scared me. She would enjoy terrorizing me every chance she gets if she knew that. So I decide to just suck it up and try my best to not to let a little fear destroy my chance at happiness. I need a fresh start and after everything I've just been through recently, this should be a piece of cake.

The doors to the Manor are tremendous and made out of some type of stone, marble I think, and they're extremely heavy. I try with all of my might and I can't seem to budge them at all. Tiffany sees me struggling and giggles and finally lends me a hand. They are so old too that they let out a long groan with a sort of creaking sound as we try to push them open. It's the kind of sound you hear in scary movies when an unknowing person enters a creepy room and there's a ghost waiting for them on the other side. I try to dismiss the thought of a ghost as we work together to push our way inside. However, I can't help but think maybe something on the other side of the door doesn't want us here and my arms are instantly filled with goosebumps.

Templeton Manor Book 2 of The Reflections Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now