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"Hey it's me. I know you've been busy, but I really need to talk to you. Please Adam, it's urgent!"

I cup my hand around my mouth as I whisper into the phone, "Blake's alive! Call me back."

As I finish packing all of my stuff to prepare to move to Jace's room, a part of me is a little sad as I look around the beautifully decorated room. Leaving it behind is way more than just moving my stuff too. It's the reality of leaving who I once was for who I'm slowly becoming. Change has always been hard for me. I'm a control freak who loves my routine and since I left Colorado, my whole life has been turned upside down. I remember how excited I was when I first walked in here and I've actually grown quite attached to it these past few weeks. But then when I look over and see the dresser pushed up against the secret door, I'm suddenly relieved to be getting the hell out of here.

Just knowing that son of a bitch has been coming in here while I've been sleeping is so fucking creepy! I knew when I smelled his cologne that day, I wasn't just imagining it!

Goosebumps start popping up all over my body when I stop to really think about it, and then Jace's voice startles me when he comes up from behind me.

"Are you ready?"

Before I can even answer him, I feel his hands around my waist and I turn and smile at him.

"As ready as I'll ever be!"

He presses his body up close to mine, rests his chin on my shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"You know, this was my plan all along so I could have you all to myself."

I turn around and give him a playful push and giggle.

"Well, mission accomplished, Jace, because I'm all yours now, but I'm sure you'll regret it once you see how much crap I have and I take over your room, though."

"Believe me when I say there will be no regrets.....except maybe when your snoring keeps me awake all night."

"Ha ha, very funny! And I don't snore!" I yell out as I grab a pillow off the bed and heave it at him.

He snatches it from the air right before it hits him in the face and quickly throws it back at me. It hits me on my back as he tackles me onto the bed. We roll around and wrestle with each other and laugh until we're both completely out of breath. We collapse onto our backs and cuddle as we're looking into each other's eyes. The passion between us becomes almost unbearable. I'm out of breath from our impromptu pillow fight, but it's way more than that. He truly takes my breath away. When he kisses me, it awakens a burning hunger from the depths of my soul. An insatiable need grows inside of me when he touches me, and it makes my body tingle with desire. My heart feels like it's about to burst from all the overwhelming emotions he's making me feel inside, and yet, I'm completely relaxed and enjoying every soothing second of this beautiful moment with him.

His obvious attempt to play comedian, get me to laugh and have fun, was the distraction I really needed. He just gets me and I think that's why I'm so into him. He makes me feel good about myself and it's so refreshing. I've never met anyone quite like him before. He's so down to earth and real with me. I've never had that before with any guy that I've ever dated. They all seemed to put on a macho act for me, but eventually tried to mold me into the version of the girl they wanted me to be. Jace is not like that at all. He's confident but not cocky, is sweet and has a heart of gold. He's got it all and I'm not too shy to admit...I want it.

We finally get back to business and he helps me finish packing, and as we're about to step out into the hall with the last bag, I stop and admire my room one last time.

Templeton Manor Book 2 of The Reflections Trilogy Where stories live. Discover now