Chapter 33: A Conversation Over Oatmeal

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My head was pounding when I was conscious again. I squinted at the sun shining through the windows. The light caused my head to throb even more. I looked to the side to see that I was alone in the room. I tried to roll onto my side, but my hands were stuck above my head. I looked up to see that they were tied to the headboard with rope.

The last time Jimmy did this to me was when I threatened to kill myself. This must have been the way that I acted at Noah's. I tried to behave, but this was all new to me. Jimmy told me that it is only scary because it is new, and I had to believe him.

I started pulling my hands down, and the rope burned into my flesh. The muscles in my arms ached and I continued to try and free myself.

The door opened and I stopped moving. Emme walked in, and her swollen belly led the way. Her auburn curls were pinned behind her head. She had on a large sweater. I could see steam rising from the bowl in her hands. She raised her eyebrows and smiled when she saw that I was awake.

"You're up," she said. "I wasn't sure when I should come up. I checked on you a few times, but you were still asleep. I had a feeling you would be awake now though. Have you been awake for long?"

"No," my dry voice cracked.

"Good." She sat down on the edge of the bed. She put the bowl on the nightstand. She fixed the blankets so that they were tucked around me. "Try to get comfy."

"Untie me, please," I said as I pulled down on the ropes again.

My face winced in pain as the rope rubbed against my skin. Emme smiled when she shook her head. Her nose did its little wiggle twitch.

"You know I can't," she said. "Taylor has given me strict orders not to. You understand that I can't do that. The boys will always tell us what is best for us, so I can't go against what he says."

"Please," I begged. "Just for an hour, or maybe even a couple of minutes. It really hurts."

"I told you I can't," I said. "Just try to get as comfy as you can. Do you want any more blankets or pillows? Maybe that'll help? I have some oatmeal for you. Lift up your head and I'll give you another pillow."

Emme leaned across me and I lifted my head as she tucked the spare pillow behind my head. My shoulders felt a slight relief, but my arms still ached. Emme grabbed the bowl and stirred the spoon in the oatmeal.

"Can you untie me so that I can at least eat?" I asked.

"Nope," she said, shaking her head. "I already told you that I can't. Just open your mouth and I'll feed you." She giggled. "This will be good practice for when my son is born."

I groaned and pressed my forehead against my arm. I did not want to lie here and be fed like a baby. I should not have caused such a scene yesterday.

"Don't be difficult," she said. "It won't be that bad."

I rolled my head off of my arm and scowled at her. My stomach was empty and it grumbled. Emme smirked and I knew she heard it too.

"Open up," she said, filling the spoon full of oatmeal and bringing it to my lips. I opened my mouth and she fed me. The strong taste of brown sugar filled my mouth.

"Wasn't difficult, was it?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

I stayed quiet as she gave me another mouthful of oatmeal.

"You know, I was a complete mess when I first watched them kill someone too," she said. "I was here for maybe five months or so - you know how hard it is to keep track of time here - before someone came onto our property. Anyways, I had just learned about their traditions, but I had never seen them before. One day Jenny and I were cleaning the bathroom, and there was all of this screaming coming from downstairs. By the time we got down there, she was already hoisted up by the hooks.

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