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I don't know what Cre's problem is. but he's never gone long without talking to me or at least letting me know he's doing alright.

But I'm about to go and fucking find out what his problem is. and if it causes a scene so damn well be it. 

I'm done giving him space and shit. he need to fucking grow the fuck up and stop ignoring me.

I headed to the Mayans' clubhouse and thankfully the gate wasn't close so I pulled in and parked.

When I didn't see any bikes I figured they was out handling something.

So I climbed out and walked up onto the porch and took a seat.

When the sounds of motorcycles gradually got louder I watched the gate seeing them all pull in before some parked under the awning and some by my car before a van pulled up and parked next to the awning.

"what are you doing here?" Angel asked

"here to see Cre" I replied

"he's not in the best of position," Coco says

"Can he talk?" I asked

"yea," Coco says

 "then he's perfectly fine" I replied

"you can talk with him after templo" Bish says

I nodded my head

they all walked up the steps and headed inside to Templo while I stayed sitting where I was.

After roughly ten to fifteen minutes Cre walked out. and I saw his arm was in a sling.

"You ok?" I asked

"yeah," he says

I stood up.

"so you want to fucking ignore me for a fucking month, not calling me or anything for what?"I asked

"I've been busy," he says

"you've never ignored me for this amount of time ever. despite the shit the club has you do. you've been handling so much shit before but managed to shoot me a text or some shit. yet now you are just to busy for me" I replied

"that's not true," he says

"don't feed me bullshit Neron. I am not stupid ok. I may be a fucking blonde but I'm not ignorant. you've fucking ignored me since that night I told you how I truly felt. and me being how I am I gave you time and space so you could come to me. so it'd not feel as if I'm smothering you or bothering you. yet you never tried to get in contact with me, Neron. you choose to hide behind your fear and slowly destroy our friendship" I tell him

"I am sorry Kat" he say

"yeah." I say

"I don't want to ruin what we have had for years" he says

"oh & you honestly think that you ignoring me is gonna help out?" I asked

"no and it was stupid of me to ignore you. when I should have talked with you," he says

"yeah you should have. but you probably thought it is best to speak with your brothers here. if not Vikki's whores" I say

"I don't go there. I haven't gone there since we've ...you know" he says

"you just talk about mine and your problems to people who got no right to know what's going on" I state

He nodded his head.

"well until you can fucking be my friend again Neron. I don't want to talk to you. you can keep ignoring me and keep airing our fucking issues with these boys here. I'm not gonna waste any more of your precious time" I say 

with that said I walked down the stairs ignoring him calling for me as I get into my car and leave.

I headed home and just cried. 

if things today would've worked out better or had a different outcome I was gonna let Neron know that we are having a baby. but with him choosing to ignore me and blow me off for no reason other than him being scared of nothing. then its no use at all for him to know cause its not gonna change anything.

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