A Little Insane

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(Any "Killing Stalking" references will be ignored/deleted. This book came years before it and I'm tired of hearing about it. Please respect my Original work.)

(This series has been discontinued and the third book was left unfinished, you can still read and enjoy. There is an important author's note at the end of book 3 where I explain what happens in the remainder of the series and why I discontinued it)

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Every corner of the house filled with the pain-filled screams of the young blonde laying on the table, strapped to it like a patient in a mental ward. She squirmed as she felt the cold of the bracelet around her ankles turn hotter. Her leg twitched and jerked as the heat burned through her skin, causing her eyes to tear up until she couldn't see anything but the blurry figure standing over her.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, finding it amusing as she cried over the pain. "There's nothing greater than physical pain itself."

"Fuck you!" she shouted, choking back her tears.

He ignored her, touching her legs with the tip of his fingers. He traced her hips to her knees, examining the color of her skin and how it resembled someone long gone and forgotten. He reached inside the bucket next to him on the stool and took out a large pair of scissors. He began to cut up the girl's jeans until she was fully exposed. He did the same to her upper clothes and when he was finished, he tossed them away.

She wailed in pain as the bracelet burned her ankle, the heat increasing until the smell of burnt flesh entered their nostrils. The pain was too much for her to fight it, eventually her voice just quieted down, unable to compete with the agony.

Hart let this go on for ten minutes before he turned his back to her and removed two dice from his pocket. He rolled them playfully in his hands and looked up to meet his reflection on the mirror hanging on the wall. He nodded at his reflection, as if it had said something.

He let the dice drop on the floor and he watched them as they bounced randomly. The first die rolled on a four, and the other on a two.

Six, he thought.

He walked back to the girl and turned off the device, clicking the eject button and watching it snap open, releasing the tight grip it had on her ankle. As he pulled it off, the heat not effecting him at all, strands of melted skin stretched and snapped with a disgusting sound that got muffled by her screaming.

She tried getting up to see the damage, but the straps wouldn't let her. Hart grabbed the same pair of scissors he had used to cut off her clothes to cut the straps off. She was taken aback, suddenly getting scared of what he was going to do next. When she was finally free, she looked at her ankle and wailed at the sight of her bones showing through the dark skin. Her lips quivered as she kept staring, crying softly but being strong about not showing any weakness.

She then noticed that she was free. Her eyes went to Hart who was just watching her, his back straight and posture elegant. He didn't move an inch or spoke a word when she turned her body around, hoping off the table and keeping it between them. She used it to guide herself towards the stairs because every time her injured foot slightly touched the ground, a great deal of pain rushed through her body that almost made her collapse.

"You're letting me go?" she asked when she reached the stairs, not keeping him out of sight.

He didn't answer, showed no emotion or expression.

She hopped over the first step, wincing when her foot touched the ground. She bit her tongue and went for the next step, this time successfully. She continued to climb up the stairs until she was out of sight.

Five minutes, Hart thought.

Every second ticked in his mind until exactly six minutes passed since he had let her go. Right when the last second hit, he pushed the table away, letting it fall loudly on the ground. He dashed towards the locked closet and opened it with the key. Inside were numerous of weapons, he searched through them, wondering which one of them would help him take her down the fastest.

He had no idea where the girl had gone, she could still be inside, but he never locked the doors. Of course, he had done this purposely. He decided on taking a spear and a flail. Once he had them both, he ran up the stairs and saw that the front door was wide open. His eyes narrowed as he saw her in the distance, hopping through the grass and getting closer to the forest.

He ran at full speed, shooting out of the door and jumping over the porch steps. He raised his spear, aimed, and used all of his strength to throw it. He watched it soar through the night sky and then it pierced through her. She stopped momentarily, then took a step forward and dropped to her knees, gasping loudly for air.

He took the flail in his right hand and walked towards her, swinging the spiked ball. When he got there, she had rolled herself on her side and was bleeding out of her mouth. Her watery eyes shot straight up and looked angrily at him.

"Wow, you're both fighters. I guess it runs in the family, doesn't it?" He looked down at her ankle and clicked his tongue. "Want me to fix that?"

"Fuck you!"

He swung the flail and smashed it on her ankle over and over. The impact crushed her foot entirely, ripping the skin apart until she no longer had a foot. The screams that followed boomed so loudly that they spooked away birds in a nearby tree. They flew through the sky, leaving the moon to be the only witness.

"Keep screaming," he told her, kicking the dismembered foot away, "no one is going to hear you. No one ever will."

He was very calm and collected, nothing about this made him excited or gave him a rush of adrenaline. Quite frankly, he was bored and wanted it to be over. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, cracking his neck. In that moment, he felt a sharp pain in his leg and quickly looked down to see that she had stabbed him with the scissors. He didn't notice she had took them, that made him angry. How didn't he notice? It was such a stupid mistake on his part.

"Unfortunately for you," he said as he bent down and pulled the scissors out of his leg, "I enjoy the pain."

He swung the flail again and she panicked, clawing the ground to try to get away from him. He dropped the spiked ball on her other foot, tearing it off completely. Her screaming and crying fell somewhere deep in the back of his mind. Now he only enjoyed the silence as he removed the spear from her back and dragged her away by her hair, leaving a trail of blood behind them.

He took her to the back of the house, where they met with the tall cross. The long needles sticking out of the wooden structure were perfectly placed to hold her body. When he was in front it, he grabbed her and lifted her body onto the needles and pressed her in.

She died quickly. Her eyes were on Hart the entire time, so now they stared at him even after death. He closed them, fixing her arms so that they were properly attached to the arms of the cross.

He stepped back to examine her from afar.

"You, my lady, are beautiful," he whispered, clapping his hands together as he admired the horror in front of him.

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