Chapter Thirteen - The Last Sacrifice

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   The next day arrived before Hart finally heard the human heart beating rapidly underground. He went searching for the materials immediately; a warm towel and a cup of water. They were always going to be a necessity for whenever Riley came back to life. The coldness of death would still remain in your body even after you've come back, a warm towel would help that. And your throat would feel itchy and dry, so water was important.

He rushed out of the house just as Riley popped out of the ground, pulling himself up from the ground and wobbling nervously. Hart threw the towel around Riley's shoulders and handed him the water. They entered the house and went straight to Hart's bedroom, repeating the same process that was done when Riley first died and came back.

“I'll be right outside if you need me,” Hart told Riley as the shaky man went in the bathroom and shut the door.

It wasn't long before he heard the water running. There were a couple of muffled gasps and cries, but that was expected. Coming back from death wasn't the most pleasant thing to experience. He hoped Riley would never have to again, but he knew better. This was only just the start.

The bathroom door opened an hour later and Riley came out wearing just pajama pants and a towel around his shoulders. He didn't look any different, his appearance was now permanent. He was never supposed to die so quickly, but Riley didn't seem to mind anymore.

“How are you feeling?” Hart asked.

“I've been better."

“Would you like something to eat?”

Riley shook his head, removing his towel and leaving it by the bathroom door. He took a couple of steps towards Hart, until they were both facing each other, and he wrapped his hands around him. Hart didn't move when Riley embraced him tightly, or even when they started kissing.

“I want something else," Riley said between kisses.

But he did move at that, running his fingers down Riley's chest and feeling his cold skin. They kissed deeply as Hart began to unbutton his shirt, practically ripping it off. They slowly climbed onto the bed, Hart on top as he took control of the kiss.

This time there was no memory loss, no faces in the ceiling, no blood, just them and their passion.


Riley snuck up behind Hart as he hammered giant needles through the wooden cross in the backyard. He was adding the finishing touches to the cross that he had built months ago. The needles were very long and strong. There were dozens of them, all piercing the structure so that the sharp point was poking out of the wood.

“I don't feel good,” Riley said as he watched in silence while Hart walked around, examining and double checking that his project was perfect.

Hart ignored him, tapping each needle and grunting when ten of them fell off at his touch. He dipped his hands in a basket that laid beside him and took out a couple of more needles, still ignoring the obvious sick man next to him.

But he didn't block him out any longer, not after Riley began to puke. Hart's eyes shot straight towards him, watching with worried eyes as Riley emptied his stomach. When he was finished, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and quickly stuttered an apology.

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