Chapter Ten - Flesh

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(PS; Picture of Hart on the side! You can see his real eye color there that I had to photoshop)

   Time was so irrelevant to Hart, but he knew that many months had passed and much to his dismay, Riley kept his word about not killing again. There were many opportunities for Riley to kill, but each time he faced a victim that Hart brought home, he'd threatened him to help them escape. No more blood will be spilled from my hands, he would say. Eventually, Hart had to stop trying to make him kill and resided to waiting, because time was what he had. One day, when the time was right and whether he wanted to or not, Riley would kill again.

Hart wasn't afraid of Riley escaping anymore. He trusted him now, gave him freedom. But Riley's change did something to him over time. He wasn't afraid of Hart anymore, he wasn't even sure if he was afraid at first to begin with. He had this courage inside of him that Hart couldn't begin to understand. Riley stood up to him when no one would – when no one could. Hart still made Riley watch when he killed, and those were the days where he would question if Riley was even Riley at all. He'd just watch with empty eyes full of boredom as unfortunate souls were slaughtered in front of him.

But then there were days when the old Riley returned, even if just for a day. Like one early morning when Hart was getting ready to go to town. Riley brought up a question that may have shifted some emotions around, especially Hart's.

“When you kidnapped me, was killing me your intention?” Riley asked over the dinning table. Hart was on the opposite side of him, writing a list of tools he needed to buy on a piece of paper. He looked up from his very long list and placed his pen near his cup of water.


Riley breathed, nodding calmly. “Why didn't you?”

“I saw something in you that I didn't see in anyone else.”

“And what's that?”

Hart casually picked up his pen and continued to write, meaning the conversation was over. But then his eyes focused on Riley and he answered, “A warrior.”

“I don't understand.”

“What don't you understand?”

“Why keep me?”

“Because I need you.”

“Need me for what?”

Hart put his pen down again, and this time it was permanently. He folded his hands over his lap, relaxing his back against the chair. He examined Riley, watching the way he kept moving his hair away from his eyes, like the length bothered him. Hart hadn't really considered cutting his hair, but now that he thought about it he might as well just bring it up.

“Would you like me to cut your hair?”

Riley sighed like he always did whenever Hart avoided a question. It happened too often.

“Do whatever you want with it, it's not like anyone is going to see me,” he mumbled, toying with his dagger, spinning it on the table.

“Come here,” Hart said, gesturing at the chair beside him. Riley stood up and circled the table, sitting next to Hart and facing him. Hart pulled the chair closer to him and examined Riley's face. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and pushed it back. “I think you'd look beautiful with your hair like this.”

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