Chapter Eight - Stepping Into Hell

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Riley was looking down at Hart, eyes squinted and mouth opened - partly because he was shocked and because he wanted to speak but like most days in his presence he was left speechless. Riley had seen Hart get stabbed, he saw the man fall to the ground, dying and bleeding. And now. Now he was wide awake with no wound, no anything.

“Good job?” Riley managed to say, pulling himself up and not bothering to help Hart. The man took a knife to his stomach, he could get up by himself if he wanted. “You miraculously survived a knife attack, with no wound, and instead of explaining yourself you tell me good job?”

The pale man stood up and his eyes went to the body on the floor, then he looked back at Riley and gave a hint of proud in his face; his lips were relaxed in the shape of a tiny, almost unnoticeable smile.

Angered, Riley walked past Hart, bumping shoulders purposely. He stopped half way to the exit when he realized it was locked and he had no idea how to open it. Taking a deep breath, he came back to face Hart.

“Open the door.”

Hart hid his hands in his pockets and walked closer to him, still having that look on his face.

“Not only did you do what I asked, you also did it because you were trying to save me.”

“And now that I think about it, I'm an idiot,” Riley said.

“I don't think you're an idiot,” he replied softly, slowly closing the space between them until they were inches away from each other. “In fact, I think you're extraordinary.”

Just as they were leaning in, a loud crack on the ceiling made them freeze. They looked up and saw nothing. Riley looked back down at Hart's face and the man was just as confused as he was. Another sound followed a few seconds later, it wasn't a crack this time, it sounded like rocks falling.

“What is –“ Before Riley could finish his question, the room began to tremble. Neither of them moved, but then it got strong, so strong that Riley almost lost balance and had to grip onto Hart. But it was the look the man had that made his stomach twist. He had never seen this emotion on Hart before, he never thought he would see him become frightened.

“Riley! Run!” Hart screamed, pushing him towards the door. Riley knew better than to not trust Hart, so he ran at full speed to the closed door.

“It's closed!” Riley shouted back as he ran. He looked back to see if Hart was following him, and he was, but he was keeping a safe distance between them. The killer waved his hand out in front of him and the giant metal door keeping them trapped just flew out of the wall with ease, crashing somewhere against the other side of the basement.

“Keep running! Don't look back!”

Riley bolted out of the dark room but something happened. Before he could celebrate being free, gravity pulled him back. He felt everything around him turning, like if the house had been flipped on its side, or was rapidly twirling in outer space. He was now falling back towards the entrance. Hart had somehow pulled himself over it and was laying on the wall – which he guessed was the floor now. At the last second, Hart caught Riley's hand and held firmly as he dangled over brightness.

“Don't you dare look down!” The man screamed again.

Riley was terrified. He knew how huge the dark room was, if he fell then he would die. There was no other alternative.

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