Chapter Twelve - A Game Of Truth or Pain

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   The secrets were starting to pile up and Riley couldn't take it anymore. He had to do something, he had to figure this out even if it killed him – literally kill him, like not coming back from the dead kind. It was obvious that he was mental for putting Hart in the dark room, but he had assumed he would free himself easily . . . but three days passed and he hadn't heard a single breath come out of that room. Was Hart still in the dark room or had he left without him noticing?

The horrible part of it all, he missed him. He craved his skin, his strength, his mystery and most of all his touch. Riley couldn't deny the constant need after that night in the dark room, the night when he lost his purity. It was strange; he couldn't really remember what had happened, but he still remembered how it felt. And that alone was enough to drive him crazy with desperation.

And when he saw him kissing the stranger on the mouth, he just couldn't believe it. He was never the jealous type, but something about that night made him feel too close to Hart, not like a connection, but like two heavy metal chains locking around them so that they couldn't separate, and if they tried . . . it would hurt.

It was as if they had said 'Till death do us apart' when they had sex.

He contemplated checking the dark room to see if he was there. He didn't want to hurt him, just make a point that if he really did love Riley, then he wanted to be a part of everything – that meant the secrets, his plans and even the murders. Not exactly participating in them, just knowing when they were going to happen and how he could help.

It still hadn't hit him what he had done, and he didn't think it ever will. There was something so simple about the things happening, like maybe he was meant to do this. Maybe he was just as insane and evil as Hart was, and it had taken this long for him to actually see it.

He had always known he was different from everybody else, he wasn't like his sister. They were complete opposites, like they weren't even related at all. She was sweet and friendly, while he was indifferent towards people and seized any opportunity to distance himself away from interaction. It didn't necessarily mean he was a born killer, but he was half way there.

Witnessing death for the first time was traumatizing, so of course he was afraid at first. He thought of Hart as a monster, because only a monster could do the things he did. And while in some cases that was the truth, he didn't feel any different from him now.

In a way, Hart was preparing him for his future. It was true, he was a warrior, but not the kind that would have the word 'Hero' engraved on his tombstone. He didn't know what he was fighting for, but he was about to find out.

Riley opened the dark room, he had figured out how along time ago. It was only a four number code, and after being forced to watch death happen over and over, seeing Hart opening the door by pressing his hand against the wall with the mirror, he just figured it out eventually.

He walked in front of the door as it slowly opened, making loud creaking noises. There was a familiar odor coming out, one that triggered his memories back to his first night. His heart began beating fast as the dangling bodies came to view. Hart was in the middle of the room, watching him with intense eyes. He couldn't stare at him too long, not when other lifeless bodies were watching him.

His hands felt cold, his body suddenly shaking. The memories of the night when he was left with the bodies were too strong, he couldn't get them out. He noticed the newly added bodies of the victims he had seen suffer by his own hands. There were also the ones Hart had killed in his presence. They were all in there, staring at him with dead eyes.

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