I was sad until I found you through signals

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"Here get them on a stretcher." I hear someone say. I feel myself being placed down and then being rolled.

"Adrian." I groaned. "Chris."

"Lil, you're gonna be ok, alright? It's all over now." Chris told me. "The doctors are gonna stitch you right up." I nodded at that and looked to Adrian who now had his mask on.

"Ad..." I drifted off.

"Lili, you're gonna be fine." Chris told me. I looked to Adrian once to see him standing still.

"Ad..." I fell asleep after that. I know I fell asleep because I woke up what seemed like an hour later. In reality it was a week and a half.

"Oh thank fuck." I heard someone say. I looked to my right and saw my boys. I sighed in relief at the sight of them.

"Im sorry. Im sorry. I should have said something but I couldn't. I didn't want to see you like that then I kept kicking myself because what if I- we- what if we lost you. I don't know what I would have done with myself." Adrian rushed over.

"Im ok." I rasped. "But what about Harcourt?" I suddenly sat up straighter but winced.

"Maybe you worry about yourself for right now?" Chris suggested.

"But is she-" I pressed.

"She woke up an hour ago. Im gonna go see her and leave you and loverboy here alone for a little while." Chris headed out of the room. "Just remember she just woke up from an injury, Adrian."

"Yea-yep go- got it, Chris." Adrian kept kneeling by my bedside. He grabbed my hand he put his forehead against it. I placed my hand in his curls.

"I-i fainted after you did. From my wound. But I'm ok now!" He tells me.

"I didn't want to die." I let out.

"But you didn't." He tried.

"But what if I did? There was so much I wanted to do. I want to go places. I want to get married. I want be with my friends. I've never gotten hurt like this as a hero. I couldn't keep Harcourt safe I couldn't keep you safe. Fuck, I couldn't keep myself safe. I might have to take a step back from Omen for a while." I said.

"But wait what about me and Chris? And Harcourt and Adebayo and Economos?" Adrian stood up.

"I didn't say a break from you guys. I said break from crimefighting." I corrected him.

"Oh! Good." He knelt back down. On the tv, out of the corner of my eye, I see a breaking news story appear then Adebayo walk on the stage.

"Adebayo?" I questioned.

"Do you not remember her?! She's our friend she went after Chris last week she has those dogs-" Adrian panicked.

"No, I remember her Adrian. But look-" I pointed to the screen.

"Yes, that does mean Christopher Smith never wrote any diary. Both the Peacemaker and the costumed crime fighters Vigilante and Omen were working in a deep-cover operation for the U.S. Government called "Project Butterfly." This is all part of a black-ops program known as "Task Force X", where convicted criminals are undertaking dangerous missions for the United States in exchange for time off their sentences. It's been running for years out of Belle Reve prison, under the command of a... of a woman named Amanda Waller..." she paused "who happens to be my mother. Now I'm calling for an immediate investigation into these inhumane abuses of power." she concluded.

"Im happy that she's doing the right thing." I smiled.

"Im happy that you're awake." Adrian beamed at me. He pulled me in and we kissed. And it was even better than the last time. "Oh and guess what?!" Adrian got excited.

"What's that?" I smiled still holding his face.

"Goff's favorite color is teal!" He grinned.

"Is it really?" I laughed.

"Yeah Goff told Chris to tell me that! Right after he told Chris that he just doomed the whole world by killing the cow." Adrian slapped his hand over his mouth.

"What?" I was taken aback.

"He said Goff told him to "join us in saving your planet". He said thats what the peace sign was for. In the jar. But the cow is dead so it's all over now." Adrian told me.

"It was fun. While it lasted. But I'm glad I found you." I smiled at him.

"When you get discharged I'm gonna take you out for dinner. Or we can get take out and catch up on Fargo. I haven't watched it without you. Don't worry." He hugged me.

"How about you show me your piano skills first." I suggested.

"You know about that?" He tilted his head.

"Yeah. Chris told me. He aid you were really good."

"He did?" Adrian asked. I nodded confirming it.

And he was. As soon as I was discharged from the hospital, Adrian and Chris took my home to get me settled. Adrian stayed to help me. Well one morning I found him asleep on my floor and he's stayed ever since. I had an old keyboard in my closet so he showed me his skills one day. And when I was better he did take me out for dinner. Harcourt was slowly getting better as well. I kept going back to the hospital to check on her and to apologize that I couldn't help her. She kept telling me it wasn't my fault. I could have done something more. But she's ok now and so am I. And I couldn't ask for more.

3 months later

Over the course of three months a lot has happened. Adrian and I started dating, Harcourt is back on her feet, better than ever, and the boys have been collecting even more appliances. So, I'm sure you can guess what they dragged me to do today.

"Come on babe, were gonna be late." Adrian dragged me to the car.

"Ok alright I'm coming." I giggled

"Chris better not start without us." Adrian grumbled.

"Adrian if he starts without us ill kill him." I joked.

"Was that a joke?" he asked.

"Yes, Adrian." I shut my car door. Once we made it to the woods Adrian stopped the car and jumped out.

"Chris!" He shouts.

"You know sometimes I think you like me more then her." Chris shook his head.

"Well you are my best friend." Adrian smiled. Chris tilted his head but in a scary way. "But she is my girlfriend so thats impossible." Adrian fixed himself. "See, sarcasm." I laughed at his words and the boys began. I even smashed and blew up some stuff.

And it was a great fucking time. And Im fucking loving all these signals.

Authors note!!!

and its finished for now! thank you to everyone who's read this! I hope you liked it as much as I loved writing it! until season two!!

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