the cow = caterpillar the size of the Empire State Building

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"John? John?! Do you copy?" Harcourt shouted into the comms. Then we heard a low growl.

"Economos, what the fuck was that?" I yelled.

"Uh-uh. Fuck it. No more kaijus. No more kaijus." The man sounded like he was running.

"Economos?" Chris asked.

"Fuck this." John continued.

"John, what do you see?" Adebayo wondered.

"Jesus fսckin' Christ. What the fսck is that? The fսck is that? "Cow", my ass. It's a motherfucking caterpillar the size of the Empire State Building." John finally said.

"What? I though it would be just a big cow." Adrian sighed.

"Get ready to blow that fucking thing up." John finished. Through the binoculars I see John coming out of the barn. Then I see the same person that stopped him before, on his way to stop him again.

"Oh shit." I sighed.

"Hey!" The man yelled.

"Fuck." John cursed one more time.

"The man you've taken over. Why did he do that to his beard?" The former cop asks.

"Do what?" I saw John face the man.

"Why did he color his beard all strange like that?" The butterfly asked.

"He thought it made him look younger and more handsome. He never had a girlfriend, so he thought dying his beard might help. But he was also lazy... and busy with his job... and he wouldn't dye his roots regularly. And when he did, he used the cheapest brand, because he was incredibly underpaid. Mostly, though... he never thought anybody noticed... until recently... when one guy said it to him all the time." John spilled. I punched Chris a couple of times.

"Ow. Ok! Alright I'm sorry." He tries to shield himself from my hits. There was a few seconds of silence until the butterfly spoke.

"Humans can be really pathetic." Then he walked away.

"Yeah." John nodded then started to walk towards us. "Fine, I dye my beard, all right? We all know it. I guess I learned my lesson. L'Oréal probably is worth the extra few bucks." John tells us.

"Hey! That guy just put this down here!" A bearded man runs out of the barn holding the duffle bag.

"Fսck! Do it, now! Do it." John started to walk faster. Chris waited till John was closer to us but a much of butterflies started to charge at him.

"Activate Sonic..." but he was cut off by getting a glimpse of John getting tackled to the ground.

"Get the fuck off me!"

"Do it now!" Harcourt yelled at Chris.

"Activate Sonic Boom." Chris spoke into the remote. As soon as Chris said it I put up a shield around our group and the boom rang out. "Activate sonic boom." He said once more.

"There should be one more. Use it." Harcourt nodded.

"Activate sonic boom." Then all the booms were used up. I put the shield down and we al stood up to look at the damage. The barn was destroyed and most of the butterflies were down.

"I don't think the bottom of the barn was touched." I realized.

"No!" I heard someone yell. It was a woman, the very same woman that Goff took over.

"We need you to stay here, Ads." Harcourt spoke.

"Look, I can help." Adebayo tried.

"If something happens to us, you're the only hope." Harcourt tells her.

"The fսck am I?" John, out of breath, speaks.

"What's the plan, man?" Adrian asks.

"Lets kill a cow." Harcourt smirked. With that the four of us, Chris, Harcourt, Adrian and I, walked on to the field and started to fight the butterflies. I noticed the woman trying to get into the barn.

"Peacemaker!" I shouted whilst fighting. He looked over here as I quickly killed the guy I was fighting. I pointed to the barn. "You need to stop her!"

"But what about you guys?" Chris asked still fighting himself.

"Go kill the cow!" Harcourt shot a guy.

"Yeah, we'll hold them off here!" Adrian added. Chris nodded then ran off. Adrian noticed someone running after the man so he threw one of his knives into the guys back.

"Don't fuck with my bff." He spat. he noticed someone running up behind me and threw a knife past me as well. "And my girl."

 Once we made sure Chris got to the barn we went back to fighting the butterflies... and there were a lot of them. I mean it took us a good 10 minutes to defeat them. While I was in the middle of fighting 2 of them at the same time I noticed Adrian having a little trouble. Earlier he was fine. He was using his machete and throwing knives but now he was just fighting.

"Hey Vij? You ok?" I called out as I took the two guys out.

"Oh yeah." He hit the guy again. "Never better."

"Just making sure." I smiled. The moment was ruined when I heard a gunshot. This wasn't unusual to hear during a fight, especially when most of your friends use them to defend themselves, but when I turned around I saw Harcourt go down.

"Harcourt!" I screamed. I ran to her and dropped to my knees. "Har-Harcourt." I cried. In the distance. I saw John and Adebayo running towards us. While I was trying to put pressure on her wound I felt a shooting pain in my abdomen. I had been stabbed.

"No!" Adrian screamed. I killed the man that stabbed me and fell to the ground. I heard another shot ring out and I looked to my left to see Adrian fall. So, really, we didn't defeat the butterflies. They defeated us.

"A-Adrian." tears streamed down my face. He weakly crawled over to me and ripped off his mask.

"Hey, hey, hey." Adrian raised me onto his lap. "You're gonna be ok."

"You-you were shot." I took a deep breath.

"Yeah but ill be fine. And so will you, ok?" Adrian nodded. I nodded too.

"Keep them awake! Im gonna go help Chris." Adebayo says.

"No, no, Adebayo. You can't. You'll get hurt!" John yells.

"No." Harcourt coughs. "She was made for this shit." and with that she ran to the barn.

Fifteen minutes had passed and Harcourt and I were fading fast.

"I think I really like you Adrian." I coughed.

"No! No, hey, don't say that." He said.

"But it's true." I sobbed. "I liked this deep thing we had going on and I liked the moment we had and I'm sorry we can't have more of them." My wound was deep and I knew it was the end.

"Don't say that!" He shouted. Out of the corner of our eyes we saw Chris and Adebayo running towards us. "Chris hurry!"

"What happened?!" Chris asked.

"She was stabbed, and him and Harcourt were shot. But we gotta go the girls are fading fast." John answered.

"Adrian let me grab her." Chris knelt down to carry me.

"No. I can do it." Adrian insisted. So Chris held Harcourt. As the group was walking/ being carried to the car there was lightning and the sound of a whip being cracked. It was the Justice League.

"You're late, you fucking dickheads." I heard Chris spit. "Go fuck another fish, asshole." that one was directed to Aquaman. As we were walking past them Aquaman spoke.

"Im so fucking sick of that rumor." To which The Flash replied.

"It's not a rumor."

"Fuck you, Barry." Aquaman sighed. Oh my god, Chris was right and I faded into darkness.

Authors note!!!

I feel so bad for posting this late I feel like I have no time anymore but putting these out makes me so happy!! Enjoy!!

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