Chapter 11: Stars Coffee

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I sat there, shocked and confused.

"You set her car on fire-"

"Well what would you do if I was cheating on you?"

"Throw out your things and set them on fire... not the car though.."

"So you would  burn my things?"

"Yeah, but that's different, we're getting married, we live together and my kid loves you. You were a crazy teenager who saw porn on your girlfriend's phone..."

"You don't understand, she had men and women sending her nudes which, I will admit, were hot, but she was asking them to meet her at hotels. She was full-on cheating on me. And I was fully committed to her, I was ready to die for her, and she was ready to sleep with some blonde guy."

"Is that when you went blonde?"

"What? No, I did that after you posted that video of celebrities who would look hot blonde."

I smiled, tilting my head to the left. "Aaaawww, that's cute. Blonde really is working for you. Ok,  now back to you setting a girl's car on fire."

"My parents, bless their hearts, thought I was a complete psycho and tried to check me into a psychiatric hospital. I guess when Anna would ask about me, they told her that I was a lunatic who blew up things."

I laughed a bit, leaning on his shoulder. "So you're not a psycho who blows up shit?" He kissed the top of my head. "Oh god, no!" He started laughing, then holding me in his arms.

"Did you enjoy the hate sex?"

I looked up at him, smiling. "I kinda did..." He laughed, kissing my forehead. "Alright, we gotta sleep now."


"No, sun, go away..."

I turned to face Dima, seeing him on his phone. "Hey you," I sat up, leaning over to kiss him. "What's that?"

"Something Yana sent me," He put his phone down, "It's not important." He hugged me gently, then planting a kiss on the top of my head. "What are your plans for the day?" I asked.

 "Boring wedding things. What about you?"

"I'm gonna take Nikita to school, go back to bed, wake up again, then  boring wedding things," We laughed, Dima's arm wrapping around me.

"What boring wedding planning do you have today?"

"Ani, Polina, Lera and Ida are coming with me to get my suit. Then we're going to get their dresses. Oh, and don't forget, we have the cake tasting at 16:45."

"Yes, I remembered."

"Are you and the groomsmen going to get your suits?"

"Yes. Then I'm picking up the ring bearer from school while you have lunch and martinis with the groomswomen."

"Hm, we can't drink. We have other places to be and I'm driving."

"You're the bride, you sure you don't want a drink?"

I got out of bed, staring at him with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, what did you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Dima, you usually give me a glass of wine then tell me bad news. What did you do?"

He hung his head, giving up. "I didn't actually do anything, it's something you haven't thought about that I can't stop thinking about."

"Ok, what did I forget?"

"The playlist."

My eyes went wide as I saw how sad Dima looked. "Oh my god, I forgot the playlist. Ok, um, I'll think about it, then after the cake tasting we'll sit down and talk about it. Sound good?" He nodded, smiling. "Baby, I'm so sorry, I've been thinking about other things. I'm gonna wake up Nikita and get him ready for school, then we'll talk."

An Hour Later

"Hey, babe, I got you a drink from Stars Coffee," I said, putting the cup on the counter. "Dima?" I asked, hearing only silence. That's weird. He usually runs to me when I start to say Stars.

"Oh, baby, there you are!" I started walking towards the shirtless Bilan, a chuckle from his lips. "Yeah, sorry, I was about to shower. Say, we both have places to be in an hour, why not shower together to make it quicker?" I laughed, handing him his drink. "Alright. Do you want me to put your drink in the fridge?"

"Freezer, actually."

I smiled, putting his drink in the freezer. Mine was hot so I just let it sit out. "We're not doing anything sexy while we're in there."

2 Hours Later

"So, Sergey, what dresses did you pick out for us?" Polina asked, smiling like a Cheshire cat. "You'll see." They were fidgeting in their seats as we waited for the lady to bring out their dresses. 

"Oh my god, Sergey, these are beautiful!" Ida said as she held hers up. "I knew y'all would love them," I smiled. The dresses were a light violet shade with light teal at the bottom and belt. "Alright, now I need iced coffee. Let's go bitches!" They followed me out to the car, laughing. "Do you really need iced coffee that bad?"

"Yes, Karo, I need iced coffee that bad. Dima just tried to fuck me in the shower after getting me into bed for the second night in a row," I told them, jokingly shaking in disgust. "What? You poor thing. You had sex 2 nights in a row and he tried again?"

"Yes, it was horrible. We were showering together to save time, so I told him no sexy stuff, and he tried anyway. We got into a fight last night about how he touched himself on the couch, that ended in hate sex, but the night before, his parents and sisters were staying over, and, uh, his little sister walked in on us having sex." Lera looked up at me, surprised. "His sister saw you in bed?"

"Yes. And she's 13, so that made yesterday morning shit. But we had a laugh about it later. On another note, I think his family hate me."

The girls in the back laughed while Lera gave me a sad look. "Aw Sergey. You're actually in a relationship."

We all stared at her. "You're pissing off his parents already. That's a huge step forward." I laughed, pulling into Stars Coffee again. "You bitches want anything?"

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