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Something... is up. He isn't sure what exactly it is, but something is most definitely off.

As they walk down the hall of the palace towards the dining room, Terrence internally panics as the taller boy talks to him with their hands still held together from earlier. As Zachary lightly tilts his head down at him for going quiet with his smile ever so gentle, Terrence involuntarily looks away.

This is bad....

If this keeps up, he is most definitely going to die from a heart attack....

"Come on, you two! I'm hungry!" Giving them a light pout despite the amused smile resting on her cheeks, Vanessa opens the door to the dining room before walking in and quickly going to their spot.

"Took you guys long enough." Answering with a spoon in their mouth, Tyron gives the two's intertwined hands a glance with a raised brow before shrugging it off. Smiling back at the table and ignoring the glare that the taller blond boy is getting from a few on the table, Tyron picks up the entire steak with one fork. "Let's eat!"

Not meeting the other's eyes and just sitting himself down, slowly taking his hand back and rubbing it with the other, Terrence gives his twin a small sweat drop before shaking his head. "Tyron... calm down. No one is going to take it from you."

"I'm hungry! You guys took too long! Not to mention you all left me behind when you guys went outside today!"

"You were asleep like a rock, Tyron. We can't possibly wake you up like that!" Debating back from the other side of the table with an accusing look, Vanessa points her fork over before getting prayed down by Sol. "What do you want us to do? Drag your sleeping body out with us?"

"I am not that deep of a sleeper!"

"Well, you should've seen yourself then!"

As the two immature children bicker over nothing, Terrence just ignores them as a whole as he helps his younger siblings with their steaks, cutting them and handing them back, the boy signs lightly before pulling Tyron back onto their bum as they almost climbed across the table to strangle Vanessa.


"... fine...."

As everyone finally settles down to eat without any more drama... for now. William lightly wipes his mouth with the cloth before taking a few tickets out of his pocket and handing them back to the kids. "There will be a concert tomorrow if you guys want to go. They already did give us a few tickets."

"Can we?" Smiling happily after taking a bite of Mason's steak because he was offered to, Michael beams. Nodding with his smiling getting a slightly more murderous undertone, William throws Mason a small glare which is gladly returned before smiling back at Michael, who sweat drops at the two. "Of course, Mike. We were offered. In fact, all of you can go. We have more than enough for that."

"Yay!" giving his friends a smile before quickly digging back into his food, Michael gets a small pat on the head from an amused Mason before giving a small giggle back.

Watching from the side as he puts another steak into his mouth, ignoring the more than obvious flirting from Frederick on the side and a fully grown strawberry trying to just eat in peace, Terrence spares everyone a glance before feeling someone tapping on his shoulder. Turning to look to the side before feeling his chin tilted up, Terrence gives the blond a lightly raised brow before a thumb lightly graces the bottom of his lip.

Almost flinching back and more than glad that the others are too busy to see whatever is going on here, Terrence stares up with his eyes widened lightly before Zachary takes his hand back with a gentle smile, lightly patting him on the head. "You got a little something there."

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