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Sano Manjiro never imagined himself to be capable of starting a family (those were more his late sisters, Emmas lane).
The thought never even occured to him to be plausable for someone like him, with his hands that's permanantly stained with red, how could he ever be given the opportunity to hold a miracle within them when all they have done is cause destruction and chaos.

And yet, and yet, he finds himself stuck to a rocking chair, cooing at the bundle of joy laying in between his arms, giggling and babbling away without care in the world as she stared up at her Daddys features with absolute joy etched into her chubby and tiny face.

Manjiros eyes soften, freeing an arm only to dangle a slim finger for her to take, her tiny hands grabbing at the limb as she continued to grin a gummy smile, high pitched noises leaving her mouth.

"Sachiko..." He mumbled the name that his wife picked out for her, it's a good thing she did though, Manjiro was told he was never good at naming schemes. His little girl perked up at the familiar sound of her name, doe eyes, so similar to her Mothers, making eye contact with his. "Have you been good for Mommy? Daddy left for a little while, you know. Hope you didn't cause too much trouble for her."

"Owuh!" She squirmed, chubby hand persistant in clutching onto a single digit as she flailed her arms about as if to protest that, 'Yes she did behave for Mommy like the good girl she is'.

"Yeah?" He chuckled, the sound rumbling from his chest and proving to soothe his little girl in his arms as she calmed down from her small hissy fit, accompanied with a soft puff of air through her botton nose.

He laughs at the small pout that now decorated her cute features, his wife says she looks like him when she does so but he begs to differ, he likes to think Sachiko inherited more from her Mother than she does to him. "Sachiko." He softly says her name again before leaning down to press a feather light kiss on her forehead.

At the attention given, she grinned that gummy smile of hers once more, a squeal of delight leaving her lips when he does it again, this time to her cheek and then doing the same to the opposite side, her soft pudgy skin squishing together.

"Sachi, Daddy loves you, Ok?" Manjiro tells her, both his arms are now enveloping her tiny frame, securing her frimly to his chest and hiding her away from the rest of the world.

She giggles, chubby hands patting at his cheeks. "Mwuah!" She babbles the sound and Manjiro is left gapping like a fish out of water for a hot minute before he's interrupted by a tiny hand curiously trying to stick their fingers in, to which they only managed to tap at his chin.

Snapping out of his stupified self, he stood up hurriedly, excitedly heading straight for the kitchen where he knows his lovely wife was currently residing in.

"Y/n! Y/n, love! Listen! Listen to her! Listen to our Sachiko!" Manjiro is currently grinning from ear to ear, cheeks no doubt hurting from the stretch of it.

His wife blinked in confusion before placing down the knife she was using to cut up a piece of meat for dinner. "Hm?" She hummed, a bright smile made its way to her face as she washed her hands clean and then dried off the access water.

Manjiro stepped forward, close enough that Sachiko can reach out to her if she chooses to. "Sachiko, c'mon, baby give Mommy a kiss." He urged softly, shifting her in his arms so she was sitting on his forearms.

The bumbling baby physically vibrated, bouncing herself excitedly as she stared up at her Mothers face, her saliva covered lips smacking as she tried to make a noise.
"Mah! Muh!"

"Yes, yes, c'mon, you're so close." Manjiro encouraged with a nod which only motivated the seven month old.
Y/n leaned down to her babys level. "Mwuah! Is that what you were trying to say, Sachi?"

Sachiko squealed at the sound. "Mah! Muah! Mwuah!" She tried and succeded at last causing her to giggle at her own achievement
"Oh, good job, baby! Aren't you such a fast learner!" She praised her baby girl, taking her by the armpits when she held up her chubby arms, settling her in her arms before pressing a soft kiss to Sachikos cheek.

Manjiro flashed a smile, eyes turning into moon cresents from the wide stretch of his lips. "She got that from her Mommy." He said matter of factly, tone soft as he guided his wife to the living area, seating both of them down on the sofa.

Y/n helped Sachiko stand on her lap, lightly bouncing on her feet as Manjiro wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing their thighs flush together when he properly made himself comfortable. "Sachiko has gotten so big, hasn't she, Manjiro?"

The white-haired man nodded, letting his head drop to her shoulders as he continued to watch over his baby. "She's growing up too fast, though, next thing you know I'll be chasing away some boys." He mumbled, pouting at the thought.

"That's not for another fifteen years or so, you know?" She laughed softly before cooing when Sachiko begins to whine at the lack of attention.

Manjiro hums in acknowledgement, watching Sachiko flail her arms around excitedly once she finally got what she wanted, delightful giggles leaving her lips as Y/n peppers her cheeks with kisses, an overexaggerated 'mwuah!' for each one.

He huffs a breath, turning his head to bury his face on the junker of his wifes neck, inhaling her comforting floral scent and allowing himself to melt on her side, his ears blessed with the angelic sounds of both his girls laughter.

"Hey, Y/n?" Manjiro calls out.


"Let's make another one."


"Maybe in a year or two."


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