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Sano Manjiro is utterly and completely enamored with his wife.

Manjiro stares in awe at the way her fingers danced with the strands of hairs she's working with, neatly and meticulously pinning her hair in place.

He hums appreciatively, taking in her beauty and he continues to bounce his knee when Sachiko whines sleepily on his lap, tiny fingers clutching at his shirt when he shifts his body.

He glances down at her laying her head against his chest, a small 'shushing' noise leaving his mouth to soothe his baby girl back into her nap.

Leaning down, he places a gentle kiss to her forehead and he lets out a small smile against her skin when she relaxes back in his hold, soft snores leaving her puckered lips in no time.

Rubbing his thumb on her small shoulders, he hums a tune, his eyes making their way home on his wifes figure, clad in a soft blue dress that complements well with her skin and hugs her body in all the right places.

Maybe Manjiro was admiring her a little too intensely since she ended up looking back at him with a curious look, brows furrowing the tiniest bit before a playful smile stretches her lips across her cheeks in a soft curve.

The white haired man blinks back at her, not particularly caring on being caught when his own innocent smile appears. "What?" He asks.

"What are you doing?" She asked back, a laugh coming from her mouth as she looks back at her reflection in the mirror, turning her head from side to side to inspect her work.

"Just admiring the view." Manjiro answered honestly because it's true, he is admiring her.
One might tell him that he's down bad but it's not like he would really care anyways since he is and he doesn't see any reason in denying it. It would be such a hassle if he did.

Though his younger self might disagree with his current self, would probably be fighting tooth and nail whenever someone would even make the smallest of suggestions of the idea of him being so weak for another person like the dumb teenager he was.

It was one of the reasons why he didn't introduce her to his friends because he knew that he wouldn't hear the end of it if he did. Looking back on it now, he wonders how everything would turn out if he did let them meet.

Baji and Emma would've adored her like everybody else, that much he knows for sure.

"Mhm, looking a little too hard there, Hun." She teases, a light hearted tone present in her voice and Manjiro grins, a sort of boyish look that she only really gets to see when they're alone together with their daughter.

Manjiro hums, a sound rumbling from his throat. "Can you blame me? My wife's looking so pretty all dolled up."

She laughs again and the sound makes his stomach flutter with butterflies. "Yeah? It's Pah and Yumis wedding afterall."

"Mm, the first one to get married out of everyone else." Manjiro pauses, seeming to be contemplating something. "Other than us, of course." He then adds.

"First legal one too." She says before picking up her eyelash curler and curling her lashes prettily.

Manjiro pouts, a low whine rumbling from his chest in a kind of protest and to an outsiders perspective, it was almost hard to believe that this man is a crime lord leading a very much succesful and very much present crime syndicate in Japan. "We don't need a flimsy piece of paper to tell us whether we're married or not."

Y/n smiles at him from the mirror, stealing a small glance at the ring on her finger and reminising the abosulote joy she felt on their own makeshift 'wedding' day 4 years ago.

"I know." She does and Manjiro knows it too.


Manjiro rocks on the balls of his feet, watching as his wife slid herself into her heals, wobbling slightly when she placed her other foot onto the shoes and propping her hands against the walls of their penthouse.

Sachiko sat on his forearms, staring at the way her Mom fixes up her dress and straightened out the wrinkles it made when she bent over.

The blonde baby giggles, almost making the pacifier in her mouth fall to the ground if it weren't for the way Manjiro caught it swiftly into his hands.

Y/n smiles, making her way back over to the father daughter duo before taking Sachiko out of Manjiros arms and into her own.

"I'll be away for a little bit, Ok? Be good for Daddy." She says softly, leaning closer to press a long kiss to her chubby cheek before pulling away and giggling at the lipstick stain that got left behind on her skin.

Sachiko places her hands on her Mothers shoulders, staring up at her features with a wide gummy smile.

Manjiro lets out a huff, stepping closer to his wife before placing a hand on the side of her exposed neck, cold fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps in their journey towards her cheek.

His forefinger traced at the shape of the outer shell of her ear and her earrings dangling with a soft sparkling jewel he had gifted her not too long ago.

He hums in appreciation before leaning in to close the gaps between them, lips softly slotting themselves with her own, careful to not ruin and smudge her pristine work on herself.

Sachiko whines from being in between them, a soft indication of her slight discomfort for space and Manjiro pulls away, letting his hands linger on her skin for another moment and watching the way her lashes fluttered when she opens her eyes to look back at him.

"Have fun." He mutters, taking his daughter back from her arms.

Y/n lets a bittersweat smile take over her features once more. "I'll tell you all about it when I'm home."

"I'm looking forward to it."



Manjiro waves his unoccupied hand to his wife as a final goodbye for the day and looks back down to his daughter when he feels her stare on him.

He huffs a soft laugh at her doe eyes. "What are you looking at?"

Sachiko pauses before a giggle leaves her lips and Manjiro takes it into an offense as he pouts. "I get it, you're making fun of me, aren't you?"

She continues her ministrations, chubby arms making their way to his neck and Manjiro grins.

"Yeah, well I'm not the only one with a stain on their face."

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