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Notes: Hello everyone :)
Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger and not updating for a month but you know, the ever loving graceful presence of writer's block hit me so it was quite the challenge but yah, that's it, that's the reason why I went MIA for a bit

Story time though, I had this presentation for my psychology class and we were supposed to make it at least 18 minutes in length for marks but guess who the bitch that cried like a baby in front of the class because she was too overwhelmed with nerves... It's me, I'm the bitch. It was embarrassing but you know I managed through it and apparently I got one of the highest marks on it so yay :D


Hanagaki Takemichi sometimes wishes time travel isn't as conplicated as it actually is. If it were the case, every single mission he's come to acconplish would have been finished with relative ease, lacking the unfortunate loss and heartbreak that have happened along the way.

It hasn't even been 24 hours and yet he's already faced with another problem. (Not that he's calling his apparent 'friend' a problem, just a mystery that he wants to solve. After all she wasn't involve in any of the other timeline, why now would she be present?)

Shuffling in his seat, he watches with rapt attention as the faces in front of him turn from serious, surprise and then confusion, each one almost identical to each other he would have laughed if it were in any other situation.

Draken furrows his brows, exchanging a glance with Chifuyu. "Could you elaborate some more, Takemichy?"

Takemichi shakes his head since there really isn't anything to explain further. That was just that, far too little information to piece together the big picture.

The black haired male noticed that it's a common occurence whenever he travels back to the past, conflicts of feelings no where recorded to tell him why people do what they do.

Draken nodded in understanding, gaze shifting to the table, obsidian hardened and making it difficult for Takemichi to read what exactly the taller man is thinking.

A tiny cough and the attention goes to Hina, pursed tinted lips and exhaustion from the wedding reception clear in her expression. "Did Mikey-kun and Y/n-chan meet before in the past?" She asks, mostly to the tattoed male who shakes his head as a No.

The question had Takemichi frowning in confusion.
Surely, if Draken is friends with Y/n then Mikey would be as well, wouldn't he?

Hina said that his other self met Y/n just a few months after he himself left for the future so Takemichi doesn't see any reason for Y/n and Mikey to not know each other.

So why?

Why do they seem so surprise at the mere idea of them being acqquainted?


Tachibana Naoto huffs angrily, a hand carding through his messed up hair, lithe fingers untagling the knots caused by his constant tossing and turning.
He regards the phone on his other hand a glare, annoyed at having his rest be interupted by a certain time traveling guy.

"Takemichi-kun." He says first after picking up. Luckily, the male on the other side quieted down, understanding that now really isn't the right time for him to be calling the detective, especially so late into the night. "Do you have any earthly idea on what time it is?"

Naoto hears fumbling, probably because the cry baby is flustered at having been called out and then he sighs, adjusting his seating position on his bed.

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