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It's times like these, Manjiro thinks, that he craves the most out of everything else.

Manjiro sighs in satisfaction. His eyes gentle and his lips curved into a soft tilt as he stared with fondness at his daughters sleepy form, sweet muffled noises leaving her mouth as she continued to suckle on her mothers breast for milk.

It was always moments like these that Manjiro can forget about all the unimaginable things he has done. It's times where he can just be Manjiro, soft and loving, both as a father and as a husband (and at one point as a brother and grandson too), a far cry from the man thats out in his field of work, ruthless and unforgiving.

His slender fingers caressed Sachikos chubby cheeks causing the tiny baby to whine softly and latch off of his wifes nipple to pout. He chuckled, the sound rumbling from his chest in soft vibrations.

Manjiro grinned, his cheek squished on his wifes shoulder as he continued to peer at his baby girl, who after awhile of fussing around in his wifes hold groggily opened her eyes to give what he can only assume was a stink eyed glare directed at him for interuppting her mealtime.

Y/n laughs softly, a gentle coo leaving her lips when Sachiko continued to suckle once more, maintaining a one sided glaring session with her father.

Manjiro gave her a wide smile in turn which for some reason Sachiko didn't like and she did the only thing she can do to show her displeasure.

She bit at her mothers already sensitive flesh, causing the latter to yelp and pull her off her chest to avoid being given another bite.

Sachiko whines even more, completely forgetting about her small competetion and tearing up the slightest bit from being taken away from her source of food and making the exact same face her father does-- did when he didn't get his flags in his younger years.

Manjiro surpressed a snort. "Sachiko, we don't bite our mothers, hun." He says teasingly, grabbing her from his wifes arms and onto his own, settling her on his forearms as he watches Y/n softly fondle the plump flesh of her breast to sooth the throbbing pain with a pout on her lips, brow furrowing the tiniest bit.

Sachiko sniffles, staring at her mother with wide doe eyes (as if she didn't almost scar her) in hopes to be back in her embrace once more, chubby little arms lifted and making grabby hands at her.

"She's been doing that a lot lately, huh?" Manjiro says absentmindedly, bouncing his baby in his arms in order to coax her to calm down.

"She's starting to teeth now." Y/n mutters, moving to grab Sachiko back into position, opposite to her abused nipple this time.

"Oh yeah? Is that why she keeps biting me?" Manjiro tilts his head, tousled white hair falling in front of his obsidian eyes to which he raked back with a single hand, his fingers sliding along the strands in a swift motion.

He huffs a laugh at the contented Sachiko gripping on her mothers oversized shirt, puffs of breath coming from her mouth as she starts to drift off once more.

Manjiro's tempted to caress her chubby cheek again but refrained from doing so, lest he wanted her to fuss a second time around, instead he opted to take back his place on his wifes shoulder, stuffing his nose along the junker of her neck as he relaxed onto her side with a flutter to his lashes.


"Manjiro." A whisper of his name caught his drifting attention.

His ears perked up, eyes remaining shut as he cherished the warmth of the body he held close emmitted. "Yeah?" He mutters back, voice muffled from where his face was stuffed on his wifes chest.

"They want to meet you, 'Jiro." A hand brushed out the tangles in his hair, delicate fingers running through his scalp and he would have passed out right then and there if not for the way his heart suddenly jumped and picked up on speed.

"Who does?" He asked, voice speaking false innocence as his stomach churned uncomfortably.

"Draken and the others." His arms tightened their hold on her waist, his hands grasping at her pajama shirt.

"Y/n, you know I can't."

"I do," She really does and Manjiro knows that too. "It's just-- it wouldn't hurt to let you know, you know?"

He sighs, rolling them over so he was staring down at her from his place on top, a strong arm holding up his weight as the other brushed their slim fimger across her cheek in gentle touches. "I know." He whispers leaning down to press a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Manjiro, did you know?" Y/n coaxes, hands coming up to cup at her husbands cheek. "That they speak of you fondly, even now?"

Manjiro opens his mouth to respond but not a single word manages to come out because he wants to, he wants and wants and wants but he knows he's not suppose to, it's selfish and he's not suppose to be thinking of himself even if he desperately wants to.
He's already caused too much trouble, he tries to reason to the voice of want so it can just close its stupid mouth shut and leave him alone already.

"Even if you did beat them up at the start of high school." Y/ns voice snapped him out of whatever hole he almost dug himself in.

"Oh yeah?" Manjiro tries to force out a convincing chuckle and from the small twitch of his wifes lips, he knows it was the furthest thing from being believable.

Her fingers slid across his cheek in a soft stroke. "Yeah." She agrees instead. "And in a way," She continues. "They sort of understand why you did what you did, not fully but somewhat."

Manjiro smiles softly. "You think so?"

"Hm." She hums in agreement. "I do."

"And plus, that Takemichi is coming back soon right?"


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