little harry - ddlb

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Summary- louis and harry have been together for a couple years and sometimes harry likes to be in little space, louis thinks it's cute.

DDLB- don't read if u don't like this type of stuff

Prince hair harry era


-Louis pov

I wake up at around 9am and realize harry hasn't woken up yet. He's snuggled on me with his face buried in the crook of my neck and half on me and half on the bed with our legs intertwined. I smile a little because he's just so cute, even though I've seen him like this for a couple years now I will never get used to it.

I start gently running my hands through his hair and whispering to him. "Haz.. hazza" I say to him and he grumbles nuzzling more into my neck. "baby, we need to start getting up" I say "noooo, nothing to do toyayy" harry says whining and giving my neck a little kiss. I instantly wonder if he's in his little space right now because he sounded like it a little but not all the way. "I know baby, but we still need to start getting up" I tell him and move him from my neck a tad to kiss his cheek. "nooo daddyy" harry says whining and now it's confirmed he's in his little space. "Okay baby, five more minutes" I say and let him snuggle back into me.

I haven't ever minded harry ever being in little space or everything that comes with it. I think it's adorable so I gladly let it go on and take care of him.

After about 10 minutes sence I gave him some more time, I start getting up. "Baby, daddy's going to start getting ready" I say and he whines but let's me go. I go into the bathroom and use the toilet then start brushing my teeth. I hear little footsteps coming towards me so I turn towards the door and see him walking in. "Goodmorning baby" I say and he pouts "your a meanie" he mumbles past me then starts using the toilet. "why baby, I love you" I say before spitting out my tooth paste and rinsing my mouth.

I move over and harry starts washing his hands "be'ause you weft hazza" he tells me. "I'm sorry baby" I grab his tooth brush because when's he's in little space he likes me to do it for him. I wet the tooth brush " 'ut pwincess on" harry says pointing to the pink bubble gum tooth paste we use when he's in little space. I smile and put the tooth paste on then pick him up sitting him on the counter. "Okay open up love" I say and he gives me a big cheeky smile. After a little we're done brushing his teeth so he leans in the sink and rinses out his mouth after. "Okay cmon sunshine, I'll make you pancakes" I say giving him a smile and he instantly smiles big. "Panwakesss" he says and makes grabby hands towards me.

I walk back into our bedroom with him in my arms and I realize we should get dressed before we eat. "Baby were gonna get dressed first actually, okay" I say and kiss his temple "otay". I decide to dress him first so we go over to his little space dresser that I allowed him to cover in princess and rainbow stickers. "Okay baby what do you want to wear today" I ask him setting him down. "Comtys" he says and I agree with him sence we're just chilling at the house today. "do you want dinos or smurfs" I ask bending down looking in his drawer. "I wove youzs" harry says leaning on my back and wrapping his arms around my neck from behind. "I love you too baby" I say and smile, harry leans his head around my neck and gives my cheek a big wet kiss. I chuckle then decide to pull out the smurfs comfy clothes.

(Idk what happend to pics)

"Okay baby we got smurfs" I say and harry gets off my back. "Smoofsssss" I says excited. "yup come here baby, let's put them on" I say standing up and he stands right infront of me. "do daddy like smoofs?" He asks while I slip of his boxers and put the basically underwear on him and smile becausehe looks so cute in them. "I do baby, do you want to watch it after breakfast" I say and he smiles. "yeaaaa" he says and I finish dressing him. Then pat his hips and plant a kiss to his cheek.

"Okay baby, daddy just needs to get dressed then we can go downstairs" I say grabbing some clothes, I look back and notice harry sat himself on the floor, criss-cross. "good job baby, just wait for a second" I say and he looks up at me while I change. I put on some red sweatpants then a plain black shirt. "Okay baby" I say going to pick him up "noooo! Daddy" harry says with a very serious pouting face. "What, bub" I ask "daddy t'as matchin' smoofs wit hazza" he tells me pulling my sweat pants a little. "Okay baby lemme find them" I say turning back around to our regular clothes drawer. I found the smurfs sweat pants I bought to match hazzas and put them on. He looks at me satisfied and a big smile.

I pick up harry and head downstairs now and set him on the counter. Harry is usually the cooker so I'm really bad at this but after years and so many burnt pancakes I can finally make them so I grab the ingredients and start. "Hazza wanna hewp" harry tells me after a little. "you want to help baby" I ask and he nods with a big cheeky smile. "Okay baby stir this, but don't jrop it" I say and he gladly takes the bowl with the ingredients and starts stirring. After a little harrys done so I grab the bowl and start making them with chocolate chips.

After breakfast I carry harry over to the couch. "Smoofffs!" Harry says "yup baby, we'll watch smurfs" I sit down on the couch with harry still latched onto me with his legs straddling my waist. I put on the movie and harry lays his head on my chest and i grab the big fluffy blanket from the back of the couch and lay it over us. "hazza wove daddy lou" hazza mumbles after a little into my chest. I bring my hand up from the small of this back and start playing with his hair. "I love you too baby" I tell him and I see a little smile appear on his face.

After a little I look down and realize he's asleep. I decide to go put him in bed for a nap. I pick him up gently then take him upstairs, I now lay him in bed and pull the covers over his sleeping body and pick up his stuffed bear from the floor. I put the bear in his arms so he knows it's there then leave the room, leaving a little crack in the door and go back downstairs. As I'm about to sit back on the couch I hear him trying to scream faintly to me. I start jogging back up the stairs "daddaaa.. daddyyy" I move the door back open "baby" I say and walk over to the bed. "paci" harry says with questioning eyes and I realize I forgot his pacifier. I grab his paci from his dresser top then place it in his mouth. He snuggles back into the bed sheets and I kiss his forehead before leaving the room again.

After about 2 hours of watching TV and scrolling through my Twitter feed,  I hear harry calling me. I walk into the room and he smiles around his paci tirerdly then makes grabby hands. I pick him up and kiss his forehead. "How'd you sleep baby" I ask him "ggood" he mumbles around his pacifier. "Okay baby, let's make some lunch" I tell him and put him down onto the counter. "ma'an teas" he says "okay baby we can Mac and cheese", he instantly smiles and i start working on it.

After we ate harry wanted to color so we layed on our stomachs on the floor coloring some princesses. "Hazza's is pretty, baby" I say pointing to his princess he giggles then proceds to tell me about his princess. "Baby, I think the dragon breathes fire, not the princess" I try to tell him at one point chuckling, "nooo pwinces do" "she bweath fires an' go over evwyweres" he says, I decide to agree with him to make him happy because seeing him happy will always make me happy.

"Daddddaaa!" "nooooo" "dadddddyyy" harry says laying on his back in between fits of giggles. "s'opppp" he says and I finally let his stomach go and stop tickling him. I run my hands over his stomach and thighs soothing the skin and laughing to my self.

We ate some dinner and now I'm making harrys bottle while he sits on the counter with a new baby pink with red hearts pacifier in his mouth. I finish making his bottle then pick him up and hand it to him. I grab his paci out of his mouth so he can drink his milk then start heading upstairs while turning off the lights.

I get us to bed and lay us down, turning on the TV for a little. I put on blues clues because harry likes it and I think it's not too bad. After a little longer harry pops his head up from my chest and hands me his empty bottle so I put it on the bedside table and grab his paci, putting it back into his mouth. Harry snuggles back into me and starts closing his eyes "goodnight, I love you baby" I tell him, kissing his forehead. "i wove you" harry mumbles around his pacifier. I tighten my arms around him and rub up and down his back.


If you have any requests feel free to comment or messageme:)

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