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This is, of course, another AU of Reapertale. And yes, it is FRANS. But did you know that, wait for it…. That this is a modernized version and a Percy Jackson genre of story?! No? Well let me introduce our crew and their predecessors and descendants.

Eleos— Frisk: Demigodess of Mercy

Chara– Envoy and once the demigod of faith but now of chaos

 Frisk's dad The messenger of Ebotts' God's prophet: Daniel Sol

Asgore and Toriel— Asriel: God of Hopes and Dreams 

 Zeus— Asgore: God of the Skies

Plutus is the God of Riches– Muffet: Goddess of Greed

Hebe— Toriel: Goddess of Life

Muses– Blooky: God of Music 

Aphrodite— Mettaton: God of Lust

Poseidon— Gerson: God of Wisdom

Hestia, Goddess of the hearth— Grillby: God of Fire

Grillby– Fuku: Goddess of Fire

 Athena— Alphys: Goddess of Knowledge 

       Ares — Undyne: Goddess of War

 Hades and Persphony– Gaster: God of Magic

Gaster– Sans: God of Painful Death ☠️

Papyrus: God of Painless Death 💀


In this story, the ancient Greek Gods had to become as inconspicuous as possible to the modern world in fear of tearing their society apart. But of course there were, of course, those few humans who still worshipped them in secret. And it wasn't just the Gods, but it was every creature of myth and legend that had to remain hidden or blend into society via magic. But there were some of those who rebelled against such things and tried to make a stir in the humans' society. Those rebels are quickly dealt with by the authorities that are under the command of Olympus. 

Though, like in Percy Jackson, the Gods sought out after mates to have their children. Those who are born of their union are called Demigods. Some of them are aware of who they are… but others are kept in the dark about their origins. Mainly because of fear of the unknown by the parents of what may happen. Either they, the Demigods, would become full of themselves and cause chaos, or they might lose sanity… though the latter is the most severe case.

Over the years, there have been multiple programs for these Demigods; for both of the direct and indirect lineage of the Gods of every culture. And no, it isn't a camp in the woods or a wizardry/magic school in the boonies of Britain. So get that outta your heads you muggles! 

 So get that outta your heads you muggles! 

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No, these programs were like a special private school that hid in plain sight. It also had financial and therapy services. It was pretty typical. But you could already guess that SOME of those who were aware of these programs, made award winning classics for everyone in the WORLD to know. (So much for royalties…)

But here, in the present, of the year of 20XX, we focus our attention on the recent development of a quaint little city of Ebott. And the recent news that Monsters, a race that had been hiding for hundreds of years on the borders of America and Canada, had been rediscovered after scientists had found an influx of strange energies with the Earth of Mount Ebott. A huge mountain that sat at the base between the two countries. And a prime target for gold miners for decades, but they were never able to fully harvest, little alone, step foot, onto the mountain. Unless they had special permission from the priests of Ebott village that protected the precious environment. 

They, the priests and prophets, claimed that their Gods would punish them and the miners if they tried to ravage the mountain. The miners, at first, doubted their claims. But after many of them fell ill after spending less than a day on mountain grounds, they became suspicious. So the company had scientists test the area for radioactivity. Only to discover a whole other race of living beings that were pushed into the underground because of years of war and change in their environments thanks to the humans. 

The monsters' rulers, who they treated as Gods, had discussed living arrangements with the humans' leaders so that their people could have a chance to live in peace with the humans once again. And once the leaders had reached an understanding with each other, the world was now a little more aware of magic and the supernatural. This also caused questions to be raised.

"If monsters and magic could exist…. Can Gods, Heaven, and Hell exist as well?"

Well my dear readers, this story will delve into the secret and not so secret world of the unknown. Where these very myths and legends could very well be closer to you than you think.

NOT ANOTHER GREEK CLICHE!!!!!! (ReaperTale FRANS)Where stories live. Discover now