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Some off yall might remember this but heh why not?

<Total words:1475>

Harumi sighed heavily nocking on the Monastary gates as rain smashed into her.Lloyd opened them and was met with a warm, sweet smile.

"Im unarmed."She said weakly as She held her hands up as Lloyd noticed small red patches.Infact her Entire body was covered in red.Lloyd burned with rage as he knew who done this.

"Youre tired and weak, here I'll take you to bed.How are...they?"He whispered carrying her bridal style.Harumi knew what he meant by 'they'.It was her wounds from Garmadon.She gathered that he didn't want to address them to make things less awkward.

"Its F-Fine L-Lloyd."And that was the last thing she saw until everything turned to black.


"I DONT CARE GUYS!WE ARE MEANT TO HELP PEOPLE AND IM HELPING HER!WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!"Harumi heard Lloyd Yell as she lifted up the covers on her body.She had never heard Lloyd Yell like that before.It kinda scared her.She was tired of the yelling and fighting.Lloyd slammed the door open before all his anger somehow vanished? She swore she saw his eyes flicker from purple to green but her vision was to blurry and her mind ached.Lloyd ran to her and stroked her cheek.

"Are you okay?"Lloyd asked as Harumi nodded weakly.

"Thanks"She smiled and kissed his Cheek.He blushed and nodded before letting her rest.


Harumi snuck past everyone.It was 2am as she waited for all the ninja to sleep before she got so close to the Monastary door however was stopped by an arm that was wrapped around her waist stopping her.It was Lloyd?

"I know what you're doing Rumi and it won't work."Lloyd whispered pulling her waist making her trip into his chest making Them both blush.

"Why are you still up?And Why won't my plan work Lloyd?Your father used to beat me and torture me.And why would you care?I betrayed you remember?"Harumi said.How did Lloyd know her plan so quickly?

"Because I have learned that going for revenge only leads to more pain and a lust for more revenge.Ive lost you once already and I'm not taking any more risks.Go to bed,"Lloyd said as Harumi crossed her arms thinking.
"Please"He pleaded softly.Harumi sighed before walking to her Room; the spare room.Lloyd followed Her making sure that she did actually go to her room before he entered.She was already asleep and the cute sight made The blondes heart melt.He kissed her forehead and tucked her in before he left.He opened his door and got into his bed but just starred out the window.He might of been gulable to Harumi but he wasn't a fool.She was still trying to do her plan.


Harumi opened her eyes and kicked the duvet off her and ran out of her room and too the armoury.Lloyd heard a noise and knew who it was.He waited before running out.Harumi seized a jade sword and a couple off shurikins.She walked out the door being Intercepted by The One and only, Her Green Ninja.Lloyd.He had his mask on and his sword in his right hand.She sighed sharply showing annoyance.

"Since you're so Stubborn and won't take my advice, I'll let you Go.But only IF you let me go with you.Afterall he is my father too.I want some revenge aswell.If you do this alone you might die.Im not taking that chance again."Lloyd said.

"Aw how adorable, You care about me~Lloyde, Baby, Darling I'll be fine.Now let me go!"Harumi pleaded as Lloyd folded his arms symbolising he wasn't moving.Harumi smirked at an Idea she just had and took Lloyd's mask Off and trapped his lips in a kiss.Lloyd melted into it quickly, wrapping his arms around her waist as he felt a pair wrap around his neck.Harumi started to Fiddle with Lloyd's hair and stroked his cheek before licking his bottom lip before pulling back.Before Lloyd could react Harumi covered his mouth with a cloth of cloraform.Lloyd immediately felt dizzy and struggled before he fell unconscious as Harumi caught him.She placed him against the wall and smiled caressing his cheek.

"Im sorry Lloyd.Heh atleast we got that kiss and on the bright side you let me kiss you."Harumi teased with a cute little giggle following after.Harumi started running.Once she reached past the Monastary and into Ninjago city she climbed a building and started jumping across which inevitably led to Garmadon's fortress.Harumi jumped on the building and watched Garmadon look out into the Dark sky with all of his four arms behind his back.

"Come to retake your position?Quiet one."Garmadon said.

"Ive come to kill you."She said.

"How's my son?Your pathetic friends said you grew close."He growled.

"Oh we did grow close.Close enough for me to make out with him."Harumi smirked.Garmadon roared in anger as he summoned his four purple daggers and charged at her.Harumi swung her katana but it was stopped by the Daggers that were held by his arms on the right.The slashed her wrist making her yelp in pain dropping her weapon before garmadon slashed her leg and kicked her away.

"All to easy.NOW YOU DIE!"Garmadon yelled bringing his weapon down before a 'Cling' noise was heard.Garmadon looked and saw Lloyd was pushed garmadon away he kicked his arms back and used his arms to his his back before sending a strong blow to him.Lloyd's dragon rescued her and flew off.Harumu screamed as she saw Lloyd fight Garmadon as He hit Lloyd on the head nocking him out.


"LISTEN DRAGON GARMADON IS GOING TO KILL HIM IF I DONT SAVE HIM!TAKE ME BACK THERE NOW!"Harumi Yelled.Lloyd was a fool to help her yet Harumi was a bigger one.She should of listened to him.The dragon shook it's head.

"Look you're master, my lover will die!Please we can save him.Thats all I want. I wont try to fight Garmadon just please.Help me."Harumi pleaded.The dragon nodded as Harumi jumped on it's backand flew of to Garmadon's Tower.It broke the cell that held Lloyd captive as Harumi jumped in.She law covered in Bruises as she ran to him and cut him free as he fell into her arms.

"Why did you save me?I mean thanks but - Agh never mind.Who done this to you?"Harumi asked lifting his chin.Lloyd smiled at her concern.

"I saved you because like I said.I can't and won't loose you.I knew my father wouldn't kill me so it was better me getting captured than you.And you're friends did this."Lloyd said as Harumi lifted him up as they both helped each other walk.Quickly the couple left and jumped on Lloyd's dragon and flew away. The trio were above the Monastary as Harumi and Lloyd slid down the wing.Harumi and Lloyd helped each other walk to his room.Lloyd rested on his bed.Lloyd held his hip in pain and bit his Lip not letting any groans to come out.

"Just Show me where it is!Harumi pleaded.Lloyd shook his head as Harumi tried to hold his hip before Lloyd stopped her."Lloyd you're tired, weak and hurt.You can't overpower me, Just let me see your wound!"Harumi pleaded, pinning his wists to the wall softly trying not to hurt him and making him realise how weak he was.

"N-No, you're not seeing it."He coughed.

"Lloyd I've seen you shirtless before, it's fine.I won't hurt you."She whispered kissing his nose.Lloyd sighed in defeat and nodded as Harumi took off her shirt.

"I thought you've seen me shirtless before!" He said.

"Y-Yes I have but you're so h-hot, adorable and-"Harumi started.

"RUMI!"Lloyd yelled with a massive blush.

"Okay I'm sorry."She giggled as she cleaned his wounds before putting a bandage over it and kissed it."Tjere was that so hard?"Harumi asked.Lloyd bit his Lip before locking eyes with Harumi.She smiled and kissed him.

"You can't walk properly Rumi, you'll have to sleep with me."Lloyd blushed.Harumi smirked.

"I don't mind."She giggled as Lloyd got under the covers with Harumi as she Clung to him like a Koala.
"If you're sleeping with me, you're Cuddling me aswell."She whispered.

"I don't do cuddles."Lloyd said trying to resist The cuddle.

"Then I guess I'll just go to my room."She pouted in a fake sad tone.

"Fine, you know for a gang leader you're a total softie."Lloyd snickered.

"Thanks for putting up with me."Harumi giggled."I love you Lloyd."Harumi whispered.

"Love you too."Lloyd sighed.Harumi was a big baby some times yet Lloyd was aswell when he had a hissy fit over his missing cotton candy.And that was 10 weeks ago!They where both a kinderet spirits.

"Night Greenie"

"Night My Little Snowflake"

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