Story Prompt

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Just a Pinterest prompt I wanted to try.And this will be it for a while until my motivation comes back.Sorry it's so short

"How noble of you Lloyd.You saved your friends.You must feel happy now right?"Harumi Grinned rummaging through a bag while he was chained to the wall.He rose a brow.Why would she be happy that his friends are saved?

"What's your plan Harumi!?"Lloyd yelled trying to break free from the chains.

"Oh Lloyd.Cute innocent little Lloyd.I wanted you.And look where you are.You fell right into my trap."She lifted up his chin.

"You have me!What do you even want from me!?You have EVERYTHING!Ninjago city is yours!What do you want from me?"Lloyd asked.Harumi grinned applying her red lipstick to her lips.

"You left a hole in my heart love.I thought you would join me but no.When you were to Stubborn to join me I felt my heart turn black.I was angry.I know you felt the same Because you still love me.But Im the ONLY one who's trying to bring us together.If I can't have you.No one will."She said smirking before kissing him.He struggled before feeling a sharp pain in his neck.She stabbed him with a syringe?He felt liguid be injected into him but also felt the chains binding him release their grip on him as he fell.He tried to hit harumi away but she caught his fists

"Shhhh.You've fought hard enough already.Just rest my ninja."She whispered in his ear.

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