The Proposal - Ch 1

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"Strengths and weaknesses are present in every living thing in this world. While some people are confident in themselves, others are unsure of their skills. Aren't these the laws of the universe? Every being in this world has their own set of flaws and strengths; some are simply unaware of them. Do you believe this is limited to humans? Of course not, as exemplified by the lion. It has a bite force of about 650 pounds per square inch and can run at 80 kilometers per hour. However, it is territorial; when herbivores move to greener pastures, lions are unable to follow, making it difficult for lions to find prey. This also applies to the other creature, which is us, the Siene. We have the ability to see everything on the planet. We know everything about the future, the past, and the present. However, we have a flaw. We have no choice but to observe them. We've only been watching them from afar all this time. Aren't you all exhausted? Do you not want more? Don't you want to interact with them, talk with them, and do things we've never done before? As a result, Your Majesty, I wish to become a human as a birthday present for my coming of age," I said with a determined look.

I can see that Her Majesty is furrowing her brows. I can tell that she is having a hard time deciding, I know that my wish is quite not polite. But after waiting for 2000 years, all I can do is watch, and I'm exhausted.

"I admire your ambition. To be honest, I've never met another Siene* who shares your desire. "This is not an easy wish for sure," Her Majesty said as she approached me.

As she walks, I notice my face blushing slightly. Siene appears to be human in appearance, with a nose, eyes, mouth, ears, and other human-like features. Because Her Majesty is the most beautiful Siene, I blushed. Although I claimed the form of a girl, she is so stunning that I was taken aback. She leaned her face close to mine.

I gulped and she said "I allow you to become a human, but on one condition"

I was surprised and happy at the same time. "I'll do anything, Your Majesty! I'll even sell my soul to the devil!"

Her Majesty asks with a small chuckle, "Why would I tell you to do that? All Sienes are my family, I just want you to not forget who you are. Don't forget your origin, even if you can't go back to become a Siene anymore, you are a part of us"

I was confused, of course I will not forget. I mean, how can I forget when I already lived as a Siene for 2000 years, I thought she would forbid me to fall in love or something like that. However, I accept Her Majesty's deal. I feel like I have the advantage here, and I'm pleased with her offer a lot.

She then led me into another room after that talk. As we walk, I am overjoyed with the thoughts of becoming a human. What will I do first? Hiking? Diving? Make something out of clay? Or perhaps engage in what is now referred to as "small conversation" with a friend, what do they call it now? Spill the tea, sis?

Her Majesty noticed my overly-pleased face.

"I'm glad that you're happy, but please remember our deal"

"I promise, Your Majesty," I said with a smile on my face.

After some walks, we finally arrived. The room that Her Majesty is trying to show me is quite hidden, it is underneath the castle. The room is not big, but fit for a few people. I can see a small bed, lamp, and bookshelves which are quite empty. I don't know how this room can help me to become a human, but I'll see and let Her Majesty lead the process.


- Siene: An immortal being who watches earth from a very far place and has the same intelligent as humans.

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