Ms. Widari - Ch 5

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It was again morning, and the sun felt nice. Here, every day feels fantastic and unreal. Even while I enjoy spending time with them, I still have a ton of other things that I need to get done. I want to travel the huge world and meet plenty of new people. I also hate constantly bothering Sir Asoka and Madame Anis. I can't seem to get rid of the guilt I feel for lying to them. I must do what must be done. Despite not being at their prime, they both have such energy. They are taking care of the things in the garden ahead of daylight. At breakfast, I must tell them that I have to leave and travel.

While Madame Anis hums a short tune, the delicious aroma of tea in the making soothes me, and the cracking of eggs being cooked tickles my ears. How nice. I pour the tea for the three of us into each of our cups as Madame Anis puts the final touches on our breakfast. As we were eating, I was trying to talk about my leave and how grateful I was to them when a knock came without a visit. When someone knocked on our door, Sir Asoka hurried to the front door to see who it was. Surprise, surprise, it's Ms. Widari. She's the wife of a man who works for Sir Asoka and is a lovely woman in her mid-20s who stays in Krita. She gave me complimentary tea leaves during our first encounter and introduced herself in the most gracious way. She is welcomed inside by Sir Asoka, but she does not appear to be very good. She seems to have come with terrible news to us judging on the concerned look on her face.

She looks at me, and our eyes connect. I smiled hoping for the same warm welcome she had given me at the first time we met. But it surprises me that she doesn't smile back at me. She immediately approaches Madame Anis and speaks quietly in her ear. I couldn't understand what was going on. I want to take part in the conversation but I don't want to trespass on anyone's privacy. Madame Anis' expression changed, to a not so good one, unfortunately. She then looks at me, holding my hand tight. Real tight. I was taken aback and didn't know what to say. "Please.." I heard it slightly. "Please stay here and guard the house. Okay, dear?" Madame Anis said it with a worrying expression. I don't like this, something doesn't feel right.

"What happened? Is there something I can do, Madame?"

"What you can do is make sure the house is alright, here is the key. Oh, and don't forget to water the plant. I already watered some, but there's some on the back there left." Just like that, the three of them leave the house in a rush. Leaving me behind. 

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