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Lydia stayed quiet for the rest of the night, deciding that the best idea would be to mention it tomorrow when Stiles isn't there to deny it. But for the remainder of the night, the more they drank and relaxed, the more she noticed Stiles's eyes on her. At one point, she excused herself to go to the bathroom, Stiles watching her from across the room as she gave him one last looked before heading upstairs. After she went to the toilet, she looked briefly at her reflection in the mirror, glad that she still seemed to look somewhat okay despite not being okay at all on the inside. She took a deep breath before opening the door as Stiles stood directly in front of her, taking her by surprise. "God! Stiles!" She shouted automatically in fear as his eyes stayed on her, watching her almost hungrily. "I want you." His response took her by more of a surprise as she raised her eyebrows at him. "Wha-" before she could even ask, he spoke again speaking over her. "I want you bad and I can't keep pretending that I don't." He admitted, walking towards her he pushed her against the wall. Lydia couldn't help the butterflies that started in her stomach from hearing him say it, but she knew he was probably only saying it because he'd had a little to drink. Just like the old Stiles, any alcohol that entered his system seemed to make him completely affectionate and loving, something that she couldn't really fault. Especially not when her ex boyfriend Jackson only ever got angry and violent when he was drunk.

"Stiles I-" she began but he shook his head, stepping closer to her she backed up against a nearest wall, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Don't lie. Don't say that you don't want me too. We've practically been eye fucking each other all night. You know we've missed each other like crazy, you, you drove me crazy, i couldn't even think about or go near another woman while I was gone because all I thought about was you." He confessed through heavy breaths, as Lydia looked up at him, her mouth parted slightly, she'd only dreamt of hearing him say it. "Y-Yeah you did?...I didn't go near anyone else either, I couldn't, not when I've only every wanted you. I still love you." She admitted embarrassed, as his eyes now held a smile. "You still love me?" Stiles seemed almost surprised as he couldn't fight the dorky grin that sat on his face. Lydia smiled too as it seemed to show a slight resemblance of the boy she knew before, the innocent sweet dork who she was hopelessly in love with. "You know I do. I'll always love you." She continued, dropping her gaze, as he watched her carefully, stepping closer as their bodies were nearly touching.

"I love you too. That's never changed. I've always loved you. So what are we going to do about it?" His response was cocky, but his words surprised her as she wasn't even sure he still did. He moved against her, his eyes enticing as she couldn't help but get distracted by him. She'd be lying if she said that she didn't find him attractive, if she said that he didn't turn her on, but she didn't really want him to know about how much of a soft spot she still had for him. Lydia felt like she couldn't focus, like she couldn't concentrate when he looked at her like that. But she needed to. They couldn't do this, it wasn't that simple. If they were going to get back together, he needed to be honest with her, she needed to know everything. She finally regained some of her control back as she straightened herself back up, regaining her confidence.

"We're not going to do anything." She pushed back against him, noting the slight confusion in his eyes before he smirked at her devilishly. "You can't lie to me Lydia, just like you, I feel the pull we have towards each other. We practically crave each other." He stated obviously as Lydia scoffed lightly, finally dragging her eyes away from his as she tried her best to not cave in. She had to remind herself that she couldn't, not till she had figured out what was going on with him. She needed an angle, needed to find a way to get the information out of him. Maybe this was her chance. "Oh yeah? Well how about you tell me exactly what's going on and where you've been for the last couple of years, and then we...(she suddenly stepped close to him, flashing him a seductive look as she placed a light hand on his chest)...can do anything you like." Lydia flirted hard as Stiles' eyes seemed to go wide in shock at her sudden advances. She noticed a slight pink blush highlight his cheeks as she felt happy that he still had a little bit of the old Stiles in him. The old Stiles, which by now would have been crumbling to the floor, worshipping the ground she walked on. She felt a little cocky knowing that she still had some affect on him.

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