overprotective father

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Joanna sat peacefully in the gardens reading old stories of the Targaryen family. She hadn't spoken to Cersei since their former confrontation and she didn't plan to. Her mind remained in a state of ignorance to her family. She avoided Joffrey - seeing as he was preoccupied with Margaery Tyrell, that was not too hard.

Her mind stayed with Sansa and how they could escape. Time would not be something available to her much longer as she needed to be out of the capitol before the birth of her child. Joanna wondered if she could turn to Varys, after all he was Isabella's confidant and trusted friend.

She had told her herself that it was Varys that managed to get her out of the capitol to the North after Ned Starks' beheading, but Varys was a complicated figure on the council. Though he was the master of whispers, he also served under Joffrey and Tywin.

Should word reach Tywin that Joanna made plans to escape Kings Landing , that would only put a larger target on her head. Joffrey would never rest until he had his sisters head mounted on a spike, but that seemed like a risk Joanna was willing to take as she feared the possibility of what would happen should the truth be revealed that she was carrying Robb Starks child.

The true heir of Winterfell.

Joanna turned her head as she felt at ease noticing it was her uncle Tyrion approaching her.

There were so few of her own family members she trusted that she always had her guard up, and after everything that has happened she still carried a dagger beneath her gown tied to her leg, should an occasion arrive that she would need to defend herself.

"Thought I might find you here." Tyrion called as he and his squire approached her. Joanna rose to her feet as she respectfully nodded her head to them "Do you care for a stroll beloved niece?"

Joanna turned her head and could see that from above Cersei was watching her. She simply rolled her eyes as she turned back to Tyrion "If it means escaping the stares of my mother, then eyes."

They strolled through the grounds of the Red Keep as Tyrion attempted at making conversation with Joanna to no avail. It wasn't that he did anything to offend her Joanna just couldn't help thinking of her child.

She wondered how she would raise him, where she would raise him. She had no where to go, perhaps she could finally fulfil her dream and live on a farm and raise her child, without Robb. Joanna would spend her mornings and nights soothing her belly as she spoke to her child.

He'd given his first kick a few days ago and Joanna was beyond ecstatic as well as emotional, thankfully she wasn't alone. Sansa was overjoyed when Joanna revealed that she was with child, the two crying in each others arms as Sansa had welcomed the feeling of joy that was deprived of her so long ago. Sansa and Joanna never left each others sides, unless it was commanded of them and each night before they would return to their chambers Jaime would escort Joanna to Sansa.

"When Jaime said you weren't talkative anymore, I perhaps assumed he was joking. Did they cut out your tongue in the North?" Tyrion teased as Joanna chuckled

"I apologize, most days I spent only time in my head uncle. How are you? It's been so long since we spoke?" Joanna asked

"I should be asking you that." Tyrion answered "How are you, after everything that has happened? It couldn't have been easy coming back." Tyrion sympathized as they stopped overlooking the ships sailing away in the sunset. Joanna had no more tears to cry as she truthfully commented

"I had no where else to go." Joanna spoke her hands fiddling with the sleeve that covered her growing belly "But when has this family ever made my life easy." Tyrion understood that statement more than anyone else. Being of Tywin Lannisters kin came at a price. However dark your troubles, how hopeless your life felt you had to carry the responsibility of holding up the name Lannister. Not even their house, upholding his name. Tywin Lannister, seven kingdoms united in fear of his wrath. And the worst of all is would not matter what you accomplished, it would simply never be enough for him

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