bleeding eardrums

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Joanna Lannister was in the truest of words her family's pride and joy. When Cersei Lannister took one glance at her beautiful for a moment she forgot the deep brewing of hate that fuelled her with lust and vengeance. When she stared into those crystal blue eyes all she saw was peace and serenity. She swore the day her eldest child was born that she would do everything in her power to protect her not only from the horrors that lurked in the walls of Kings Landing but to the world as well.

Groomed to perfection, with sharp intellect Joanna Lannister was breed to sit on the Iron Throne. She spent the first two years of her life on her mothers hip eyes dwandeling back to the throne. Though her infant mind was not sure what the significance about it was, she knew that somehow she was tethered to it. Even as a child she could feel it in her bones that she was meant to sit on the throne, just as her mother had raised her. Although it didn't take long before her dreams were broken into pieces.

If Joanna was forced to pinpoint the day all joy in her life would be sucked away, it would be the day of her brother Joffrey's birth. Joanna was three years old when the parasite that is Joffrey Baratheon was brought into this world.

She remembers the day of his birth so vividly. If she looked into his soulless eyes, she remembers how her mother was screaming - wailing for the agonizing pain to end. Her Septa was ordered to keep her out of her mothers chambers, Cersei refusing to let her daughter see the pain she was in but Joanna was persistent. For days she rested outside her mothers chamber - her mothers cries piercing through her ears. It wasn't until the third day of labour when she was allowed inside.

Cersei's forehead dripped in sweat, the colour faded out of her sun kissed skin and her luxurious golden blonde hair tangled into one another.
"Come meet your baby brother my angel." Cersei calmly ordered her. Joanna climbed onto the bed as she took one look at the baby in her mothers arm. He was awake but she could never forget the menacing look that hid behind his eyes. Though they had the same blue eyes, his seemed dark. Void. Joanna swiped a strand of her hair behind her ear as she looked back to Cersei.

"I hate him. I wish he was dead." Cersei felt a shiver down her spine as the words exited her daughters mouth. Was it possible that even at the ripe age of three years old Joanna already knew that the birth of a son would mean she no longer held claim to the seven kingdoms or was it just the same hate she carried for her younger brother.

No matter the case, though Joanna was intelligent and calculating as her grandfather, she was also as wise and gentle as her namesake. That's why she was named after Cersei's mother. Because the day she was born a warm summer breeze swifted through Kings Landing, the kingdom celebrated the birth of King Roberts' first child and sun gleamed so beautifully that when she looked at the babe girls eyes all she saw was the reflection of her mother too young and too soon.

Joanna's eyes set on the crispy winter aired that breathed over Winterfell. For an entire month she was forced to spend in a carriage with her mother Cersei and her younger siblings, Marcylla and Tommen, who she absolutely adored. Her irritation stemmed from the young prince riding his horse along side commander of the Kingsguard, Jaime Lannister.

What infuriated her was the fact that her brother gloated along side her , taunting her with the fact that she was stuck in the carriage and he got ride along side the noblemen of house Baratheon. Joffrey found pleasure in irritating her sister, especially since he knew had it not been for his birth she would've had claim to the throne.

"I find it incredibly sexist that I have to sit in this carriage while Joffrey gets to ride along side Uncle Jaime and the Hound. The little shit can't even hold a sword but he gets to ride with the kingsguard." Joanna vented. Joanna could her the stifling giggles out of Tommen's mouth. To the younger Baratheons they always found Joffrey and Joanna's banter amusing - though they were too young and innocent to take notice when the duo were just pestering each other or when they truly threatened to kill each other.

"You know your father would never agree to you riding along side the men. Especially if you want to make a good impression on the Starks. No man would want a savage bride." Cersei responded as she looked out carriage window and grimaced at the northern grounds.

"Savage bride? Were those fathers words or grandfathers words the day he told you you'd be marrying Robert Baratheon?" Joanna arrogantly smirked at her mother. Cersei for the first time in weeks cracked a smile at her daughter. It was clear that she was a Lannister, if not for the golden locks on her head then for her mind and quick tongue.

In Winterfell news had travelled like wild fire that the king of the seven kingdoms would be visiting his best friend and Warden of the North. Catelyn Stark was with Maester Luwin, finalising the last preparations for the arrival of the Baratheon horde. Though Arya and Sansa were glee with excitement the sons of Ned Stark had no care in the world for the royal family. No matter their attitude Catelyn had ordered them all to be groomed to look decent enough for when the king arrived. Discouraged Theon Greyjoy, Jon Snow and Robb Stark found themselves in a section of the Stark castle as they were being shaved. Robb sat in contempt as his facial hairs fell down to his clean chest. Rumours spread about why exactly the king would seek reason to visit Winterfell, after all this time. He didn't know the reasons but Theon had convinced him it could be for one reason only : an arranged marriage.

"Why's your mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the king?" Jon asked leaning against the wooden post as he watched his half brother calmly stay seated for his grooming.

"I bet it's for the queen. I hear she's a sleepative minx." Theon replied with a smirk

"I hear the prince is a royal prick." Robb spat the idea of Joffrey Baratheon becoming his good brother made him ill. Robb only had four brothers: Rickon, Bran, Jon and Theon. He'd rather be sent to the deepest of hells before marrying into the Baratheon family

"Think about all the southern girls he gets to stab with his right royal prick." Theon crudely commented

"Well then that has to mean he's doing far better than Snow is." Robb countered as the boys turned to look back at Jon Snow who in a comical way seemed offended by his brothers words.

"Right, I don't know who started the rumour but I have been women - " Jon quickly defended himself as Theon and Robb gave him mischievous smirks.

"There's a difference between being with a woman Snow and actually fucking one - no less a whore like Ros." Theon countered as they mocked him. A few weeks ago on the eve of his Jon's sixteenth name day Robb had snuck them into a brothel where Ros, one of the whores seemed very interested in checking Ned Starks bastard off the list. Story goes that Jon stood in front of a naked Ros, apologized and left the room immediately. In no less than an hour the farthest he got to was snogging her.

"Oh shut up. Besides she was a whore. I'm not the one that needs to please Cersei Lannister's daughter." Jon smirked back as Robb stood up from his chair.

"I told Arya this and it seems I have to repeat myself again to you little shits but I'm not marrying some spoiled little princess who's known for throwing temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. Isn't it bad enough we have to sit through Sansa's tantrums now you lot expect me to be married to that." Robb joked but he knew there was truth to his words.

"I heard she looks like the queen, like they could be sister. Can you imagine fucking a pretty girl with the face of Cersei Lannister?" Theon added.

"Go on Tommy, sheer him good. He's never met a girl he liked better than his own hair." Robb slapped Jon on the arm encouraging him to take a seat. Jon huffed as he planted himself on the wooden chair.

"At least he can love his hair. If the people of the capitol hate Cersei as much as they do, who's to say you'll manage to love her demon spawn daughter." Theo retorted.

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