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You and Bruno walked up to Kamala who had just closed her locker.

"The videos you sent were flashes of pink light and I didn't see anything."said Bruno. Last night, she had sent you videos of trying her powers. As Bruno said, not very good quality

"You didn't see anything? I tried to shrink and fly and talk to ants. None of it worked."she said while you laughed

"What makes you think you have Ant-Man powers? " you asked

"Because we're both charming, and we look a lot younger than we are." she replied

You walked down the hall. Everyone was watching Zoe's latest video, where how she was saved and yaddi yadda.

" Dude, just imagine how many followers the girl who saved her would get." said Kamala

" I feel like secret identities are secret for a reason."you commented

"But a million followers? That's great."she continued

" Can you show us your powers please?" asked Bruno

" Okay. Theater, after lunch."she said starting to hop while Nakia joined you

" Why are we hopping?" she asked

"Zoe's famous. "you complained

"Gross." she frowned

"I mean, it all happened so fast.

One moment, I was posing for a couple of pictures and then all of a sudden, there was all this screaming, and I was thrown to the ground. And then this beautiful white light, like, cascaded over me.

I felt this wave of calmness, like, I knew I was safe." Zoe was talking to her little group of admirers

"There's another superhero catastrophe and she's sitting there, bragging about being saved by the budget Captain Marvel. " commented Nakia

"Thank you." said Kamala, smiling in a kind of trance

" What?"

"Thank you. Yeah. Thank you, yeah. Someone finally said it. That Zoe, dude, she just talks and talks." intervined Bruno

" So who was it? Uh... Night Light. Yeah. Night Light. But she keeps, like, a really low profile, so... But it was all just so life-changing. Which is why I'm gonna have a party on Friday. You know, to celebrate the fragility of life. Also the half a million followers thing, but mostly the fragility of life." continued Zoe

"She's celebrating the fragility of life." you chuckled

" Yeah, we're so not going to that party." said Kamala

" Hey, you're that new senior, right? Kamran. Uh, yeah. Well, I'm having a party on Friday, you should come." asked Zoe to a random guy passing

" Um... Yeah, no, that sounds really fun, actually. Yeah. Thank you." he replied

" Cool. I'll DM you the details."

"We should go to that party." said Kamala all of a sudden while Nakia hummed smiling

"What?" you asked at the same time as Bruno


" I really don't want to go to Zoe's." complained Bruno

"same" you said

"It'll be fun." said Kamala as she started using her powers to show you. She had made her hand bigger, and it was surrounded by the same purple light as last night

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