No Normal

212 10 5

I'm late as FVCK. School is hard, and I don't find a lot of time to write. Plus the writer's block isn't helping. Also I wanted a specific part of it to be good. Nevertheless I did it!!!!Sorry for being late, but it's finally here!  Thank you for waiting!<3 

You entered the next wagon. The subway was full of people, but it was the first place you had thought of. You and Bruno were carrying Kamran while he panted. Lots of people were staring at you, but seeing as it wasn't your main concern you just rolled your eyes. Bruno explained the plan.

" Damage Control could be at Penn Station, so we're gonna transfer at the next stop and head upstate, okay? " 

You nodded. Kamran, on the other hand, had accidentally made a hard light blast. The green and yellow thing stuck to the floor while people gasped. He groaned. You kept walking and made it to the next compartment. 

 "It wasn't easy when Kamala first got her powers either. " recomforted Bruno

" What would she do? " asked the boy in response

"Well, she's Kamala, so she stress-ate a gyro." you shrugged while smiling to yourself at the memory. 

Suddenly, an agent entered the compartment

 "We got 'em. "

You stepped back in panic

"Damage Control. They're coming. Come on. " urged Bruno. You turned around before being blocked by an agent

" Stop right there! " 

You turned when the door opened and started walking as fast as you could with Kamran still limping

"Sorry! " 

"Watch where you're going." yelled a random man

Kamran grunted. A blast of hard light came out of his hand while people gasped.  

"We gotta go."


You kept running until you reached the mosque. 

"Turn, turn, turn." half-yelled Bruno. You went up the stairs and knocked on the door while Bruno supported Kamran. 

A few moments later Nakia opened the door

 "Y/N?" she then looked behind you and saw Bruno. He pulled you both inside, Kamran following Bruno "Thank God you're okay. What happened?"

" Damage Control is after us. Long story, but our great train escape got derailed. We need to hide from the cops." said your cousin 

" You crazy? You can't hide in a mosque." said Nakia still surprised about what had happened

"Houses of worship are supposed to offer sanctuary." he answered

" This is a mosque in America. Damage Control, JCPD, hell, Department of Sanitation probably has us under surveillance. When the coast is clear, head to the high school and I'll call Kamala." she said

" Why would we go to the high school?" you asked

" It's the only place guaranteed to be empty on a Saturday."

You heard sirens wailing behind you and gave her a pleading look

"All right. Get in here" she opened a door

"Do we all fit?" you asked

"Get in. Now!" she urged you

You hoped for the best and got in the small closet

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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