Time And Again

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"Brunoooo" you said "The trash is full"


"It's your turn to get it out." you said

He sighed

"Fine" He took the trash and left while you sat down


You heard the door open five minutes later. You left your phone to the side and got up.

"Hey" said Kamran

"Hey" you said "who you got there?" you asked raising a brow and  pointing at Kamran, who was behind him 

"Um... " he lowered his voice "He needs our help"

"Please" asked Kamran

You pulled Bruno aside

"What happened?" you asked

"I don't know, he just said he needed help. So I brought him here"

Meanwhile, you heard Kamran chuckle. He was looking at Bruno's posters

"Argon." he said " It's one of my favorite elements. "

"Yeah. " you said, unsure what to respond 

"So, you're a car guy as well?" he asked to Bruno

 "Yeah, it's a wonder we've never hung out before."  commented your friend with a bit of sarcasm in his voice

 "Yeah. Can we just restart? 'Cause this is really weird. It's nice to meet you. I'm Kamran." he said offering you both his hand

"Y/N" you said

"Bruno. " said Bruno

"Oh, my God. I genuinely thought your name was Brian this whole time." said Kamran while you laughed

 "Oh, no, I hadn't noticed the first four times that... " said Bruno a bit hurt

"Sorry. " said Kamran

Bruno shrugged

 "Anyways, we should be totally fine here, for tonight, and then we'll figure out where to go tomorrow. " you started before Kamran interrupted you

"No, I need to stay here so my mom knows where to find me. "

"She left you to fend for yourself. What makes you think she's coming back?" said Bruno while you elbowed him

"Be more delicate" you whispered

 "She wouldn't just leave me behind like some kind of orphan. You don't get it. " said Kamran

"My parents aren't around anymore either. " said Bruno

"Or mine" you added 

"Sorry." said Kamran

" It's fine, all right? We're not gonna leave you to deal with Damage Control yourself." you said while Kamran smiled

"Well, I don't know if you're hungry, but my nonna's out of town. " started Bruno. 

You heard a whirring sound. You turn your head to see a drone staring right at you


"She left some lasagne in the fridge." 

Kamran turned to the window. He saw the drone.

 " I've been followed. We have to go. "

He reached out his hand to the window and some green and yellow hard light came out of it

" You have powers, too?" asked Bruno

You saw the drone take something large and positioned it looking at the downstairs window. A missile.

"DUCK!" you yelled

And then the ground beneath you blew up. You heard Bruno scream. And then you fell. 

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