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CHAPTER        ZERO !epigraph

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"contains; blood, murder."
—proceed with caution

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Everything was dark, the sirens were blaring in her ears.

In the face of flashing blue and red sirens, suddenly her eyes were opened, letting her vision change to the surroundings.

While she glanced around, she noticed the woody surroundings and the sound of the television, almost like white noise, playing in the background, it seemed as if she was in a cabin-like house, that was destroyed.

Her head slowly was pounding while there was a fourteen-year-old girl laying on the ground. Her head was bleeding on the side of it, and she had broken glass around her.

After rising slowly from the ground, she felt something on her hands as they touched the cold floor, looking around she noticed the broken pictures, slanted pictures, and the smell of beer running through her nose.

Her eyes focused on the blood on the ground, and she furrowed her eyebrows in a moment of panic.

She removed her hands from the blood to find them covered with red blood, the blood dripping from her fingertips as if it sounded like a faucet; her ears filling with a ring.

The pile of blood caused her to look down at herself, before seeing the only cut on her body was a stretch mark on her arm.

Having no memory of what just occurred, she turned her attention to the television that was showing a game of football.

As she stumbled to her feet from the floor slowly to not alert anything, she heard the sounds of the stadium cheering.

Her gaze returned to the blood and the fingers, Y/n looked up for a moment, then noticed something. In the end, she walked along the side and pulled down a rod, causing the lamp to turn on.

Then, she gasped a little, putting her hand to her mouth. Her father was on the ground, his back against the wall, as blood flowed behind him.

In that place lay her father; Tristan; who lay bleeding out. His white shirt was stained with blood that dripped from his neck.

The same blood rested on her hand, and over the floor.

In the blink of an eye, she saw a blur as she stared at him, and the blade in his neck appeared to be stuck, and his breath seemed to be slowing down rather quickly.

As the sirens sounded in her head, she froze in place after a few minutes of waiting. With blue and red flashing lights illuminating the window in front of her, she turned to face the window.

Her cream-colored tank top was covered with red blood, and her pink pajama pants had blood on them as well. She looked down at her clothes, noticing that her cream-white tank top and pink pajama pants were covered in blood.

The necklace, as well as the bracelets on her wrist, were covered in blood.

When she stepped out of the way of the glass to get to the back door, her foot was pressed into the blood on the floor.

While silently pressing her hand to the doorknob, she turned the handle, causing blood to drip from the knob.

In a tight group, she quickly slid her body through the door and opened it with a creak. Having stepped outside, the wind hit her body, causing her hair to blow, the scarlet, cold winds of this winter night.

Slowly she pulled the door closing it, inside the house, on the wooden wall.

A cross was hanging on the wall, before slowly but quickly it fell to the ground hitting the wooden floor.

Her blood-stained skin, while her father was deceased, would not result in anything positive. Her arms were wrapped around her body, trying to heat herself.

Her recollection was hazy, she remembered nothing except waking up; it was as though she blacked out during the course of the trip.

She had no alternative but to flee.

She had no alternative but to flee

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My author's notes are so bad, but I hope you enjoyed the 'first' chapter. There's a semi-cliffhanger at the end, but over the seasons we'll find out what happened. Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback. We'll see how it goes, but let me know if you'd prefer them sporadic or posted whenever possible.

thank you for reading! see you all in chapter two!. 

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