Leveling zone (II)

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The next day, she was leveling up against the ants too. There were few of her level, since most were below her. She knew there were more powerful ones. However, for that, she had to enter the tunnels, which could be too dangerous.

After killing over a thousand of them, level 72 was reached, and she decided to quit. The experience obtained from them with two levels below was now low, and she had already reached her goal.

At 70, she had retrieved Blood Shadows, with which gloomy familiars similar to headless spiders can be summoned. These can enter targets of at most half the summoner level, and control them as long as they remain summoned.

Next up was Footsteps, which is very useful if you are being chased. It allows leaving footprints of corrosive mana, which are quite annoying.

Self-Destruct is a corrosive mana trap that is triggered by a nearby presence. It isn't very powerful, but it has the advantage of being able to last for years, perhaps centuries. Its main use is to prevent something from falling into the hands of an enemy or being exposed, such as an Exit Gate. It is better to destroy it than to risk being located, and a trap set.

As for skills, the first one unlocked was Gossip. By biting the target, their sensations can be perceived.

Infrared Vision can be said to be an enhanced Night Vision, although it can also be used during the day. It allows seeing the heat, even behind objects, as long as they aren't insulating.

Finally, at level 72, she had unlocked Sticky Blood, with which blood can be used as glue. In the game, she used to combine it with the whip or some threads.

The county of her enemy, Krintla, wasn't as poor as the previous one, although it couldn't be said to be prosperous either. The fact that young women could walk the streets without fear was even refreshing.

However, little by little, she began to realize that something was off. What couldn't be spotted were young men, at least not well-dressed or handsome.

When she discovered that there wasn't much surveillance in that small town, she decided to disguise herself and investigate. Although not many, there were some adventurers, so Kila, the cat adventurer, made her appearance again.

The leonine tavern keeper looked at her somewhat surprised when she asked for a glass of milk, but she just gave it to her. Although in the game Gjaki had found it totally logical, in the real world it was strange, no matter how catlike she was.

"Maybe I should order something else next time," she told herself.

"Are you going to stay here? If so, I suggest the inn across the street, the one with the red windows. It's cheap and clean" the tavern keeper recommended her sister's place.

"Oh, thanks, maybe next time. I'm passing by. Hey, why're all the men old? I don't see any handsome one," she asked as disappointed, while feigning innocence.

"Shh! Don't talk about it out loud! They could hear you!" the tavern keeper censured her in a low voice.

"Oh I'm sorry. Do they get angry if I call them old?" Kila continued also in a low voice, surprised.

The tavern keeper looked at her somewhat stunned by the unusual interpretation that she had made of her words. It almost made her want to laugh, but the matter was too serious.

"Young men, if they're to the countess's liking, are 'invited' to the mansion. It's a bit sensitive to talk about it out loud. Some have lost children or siblings," she whispered.

"Oh..." was all the cat adventurer said, her eyes widening.

She didn't stay there much longer. She had obtained the necessary information.

"Are they all perverts?" the vampiress wondered as she changed her costume.

It was one she hadn't used very often. The first time, it had been to play a prank on Goldmi and Eldi. The second, on a mission in a misogynistic tribe.

Gjako, the cat demihuman, officially Kila's brother, approached one of the lesser vampiresses who stood guard.

"Hi, sorry, I got lost. Do you know where the Adventurers Guild is?" he asked her.

They looked at him incredulously, and then looked at each other. It was obvious that they had had the same idea, they could see the same greed in each other's eyes. The countess was generous if someone she liked was brought to her, and this adventurer had the kind of lovable face she appreciated. Besides, he was young and a foreigner.

"Oh, sorry, it's temporarily closed, but if you want, we can take you to another city. We have to go right away, we don't mind taking you with us."

"Really!? Thank you very much!" he thanked her, without seeming to suspect anything.

In truth, she was wondering if she could always use the same trick to get in. It made her goal quite easier. Gjaki didn't even understand why other enemies of vampires didn't either. Of course, it wasn't easy to find an assassin who had learned and honed skills in disguise and level cloaking, as well as being powerful enough to take down a level 71 vampire.

In fact, if found, the price would be prohibitive. It was much easier to hire mercenaries and attack head on. If she wanted, Gjaki could make a living as an assassin, something she had occasionally done in the game.

As the last time, she entered through the front door. Her captors looked at him with covert disdain, somewhat incredulous that he could be so stupid. He still believed that they were taking him to the Guild.

"What a big building! Is it all the Guild?" he asked naively.

"Yes. Well, no. The Guild part is this way, come with us."

"Can I go to the bathroom for a minute?"

As he followed after a short stop, he would point to statues or pictures, asking about them or marveling. The vampires found such innocence incredible, but they were more than pleased. They knew that their mother loved that they were like that, it was one of her fetishes.

They soon arrived in front of her office, which, unlike the previous occasion, opened almost immediately.

Inside, sitting behind a huge and luxurious table, there was one of the vampires she had seen in the attack on the mansion. Beside her, there were two young men without much clothing. They were forcing a smile, although their eyes said otherwise.

"Is this the Guild?" Gjako asked innocently.

The countess looked strangely at the lesser vampiresses. One of these approached and whispered something in her ear, which made her smile as she looked the naive adventurer up and down.

They left right away, thus leaving the demihuman not knowing what to do.

"Come closer. Let me show you what kind of Guild we are," the countess indicated sweetly, while wetting her lips.

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